Friday, August 21, 2009

Vide greniers

Steph took me all over the region to these "vide greniers" which are like huge community french garage/tag sales. They happen all the time and there are even books and guides as to which day they are going down in each town. It was exciting to see unique finds and interesting people, I will have to share a few of my small paper/stamp related finds soon. These two below I wish I could have fit into my luggage. I also loved the decor of the tissue banners at this particular one, and that sweet car parked nearby that I even think was for sale too.


  1. Boy do I wish I were there.

  2. did you buy anything?

  3. that looks amazing. i want steph to show me around next time! you're a lucky girl!

  4. If I will ever go back to live in France that will be my car, I miss my old 2CV, my "shopping bag"...

  5. my favourite car... omg, stunning. i love citroen 2cv...

  6. What a sweet, little red bug! I love, love, love it.

    P.S. I also love (LOVE!) your blog.



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