Inside Nature : Pink

Did you know about the pink lake called Lake Retba in Senegal? It is pink due to its super high salt content that supports the growth of a red pigmented microorganism that turns the water pink. The color changes to different shades of pink throughout the year. Surprised and amazed to come across it, I decided that I am going to start up the Inside Nature series again. Nature is so fascinating! This time I'm also going to also throw in a little fashion. What do ya think?

2. Red Monroe Shift
3. Lake Retba or Lac Rose (image originated from Barcroft Media)

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." - Audrey Hepburn.


Janae @ Bring-Joy said...

A pink lake, how fascinating! I think your Inside Nature series is a great idea. Look forward to learning more.

(love the audrey hepburn quote)

spiral style said...

I like the idea. Thanks for teaching me something new today.

Anonymous said...

More pink inspiration:

Jessica said...

wow--a pink lake! gorgeous!

Bonnie McCarthy said...

What an amazing find! I've never wanted to see a pink lake before and now I do!! Love the nature idea!! Look forward to reading more! Happy weekend!

prince snow farm said...

truly? A Pink lake? How gorgeous....will have to share with my science class!

Jessica H. said...

That is something to see. I'll have to add Lake Retba to my list of places to visit in the future.

Eva @ Sycamore Street Press said...

Wow, that pink lake is amazing and I love your other pocks, too. Great idea for a recurring feature, Rachel. :)

JASR said...

is that lake for real? amazing! even though i'm not fan of pink, i love this color collection. =)

dani press said...

so beautiful! and so crazy that nature works the way it does. such a cool thing to read today, thanks for sharing. xo.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so wonderful and Im following...I hope you follow me also:)

If you want some cute swedish decor inspiration...check out my new post:)

Have a great week.

LOVE Maria at

Pops said...

I know this lake pretty well, you can even buy salt there for your everyday use! It used to be very pink a few years ago but now it's more greyish-pink! It still is a pretty sight and I don't recommend bathing in it though... It's so salted that it itches like crazy..better have a hose with normal water waiting for you when you get out!

Sweet Freak said...

This post is the perfect explanation why pink is my favorite color: love the artwork, love the dress and the Senegalese lake is just amazing. Thank you for sharing!

betinahluna said...

I love the color! really good for my room in my apartment.

Luna said...

I saw the link on A Cup of Jo and had to see this pink lake. No, I didn't know about this pink lake. How wonderful. I'd love to see your 'Inside Nature series too'.

Martina // Spunkyrella said...

This is amazing! I had no idea this lake exists!

Leslie said...

High-salinity lakes tend to be weird colours, or have strange characteristics. Check out the northern arm of the Great Salt Lake (which is usually reddish purple) or the pink salt lakes in Australia.

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