That which we call a rose...

images via Kylie Lambert Flickr

Aren't these adorable - made by Kylie Lambert of Le Cupcake. I would love to learn how to do marzipan.


Anonymous said...

Rachel, my mom showed Sarah how to do marzipan for her own wedding cake, and it was beautiful, BUT, it tastes yuccky!!! If you want a cake to really eat, don't use marzipan.

Anonymous said...

These aren't marzipan - probably fondant. The fondant in Australia (where Le Cupcake is) tastes really nice. This woman is a true artist!!

Sarah Dennis said...

These cupcakes are adorable. I just got engaged last Tuesday (OMG, I still can't believe I'm getting married)! I'm jumping right into the planning process and I'm certain that I want a cupcake tree instead of a wedding cake. Thanks for the inspiration!

Fé... said...

Aaawww, tres adorable!

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