Bicycle style
I am usually bored with the covers to most in-flight magazines. But this one was an exception, so much so, that I tore the cover right off (shhh...don't tell). Did I mention I love cool bikes?

I am usually bored with the covers to most in-flight magazines. But this one was an exception, so much so, that I tore the cover right off (shhh...don't tell). Did I mention I love cool bikes?
i would have done the same :D
hehe, me too :)
wow! it's so cute. which mag was it?
(i always rip pages out from mags in doctor's offices, etc. i know it's bad, but i just really want to keep them!)
ps. i love your header, i don't think i ever told you.
I bet you filled out half of the crossword puzzle too!
It is from Sky magazine, from a delta flight.
ps.thanks joanna.
I want the basket!
I can see why you took it! Love the scene.
Also, had to say- love your blog! You find such fun inspiration and music choices! Thanks for sharing.
We love you to tear and share!
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