Wishlist Addition

Thanks to Xola Loves, this is my newest crush. The unexpected color is quite fab. Remember my talks of these cult plastic cameras before? There you can see what the original Diana+ looks like.


Anonymous said...

I saw this and wanted it to. If we are remaking these cameras..why is that we are getting rid of the Polaroid??

viva b. said...

love, love the color!

*L said...

so pretty!

Anonymous said...

I just saw this over the weekend! It is at the top of my wishlist as well.

Courtney said...

Love this find! And that color is so pretty. I want it for the color alone...

laura tj said...

omg this is really pretty! so did you end up getting a holga or diana+ last time? what's your recommendation coz i'm planning to get one of them too!

Stacy said...

I like it a lot. The color!

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