DYMO Label Maker Giveaway

Each season, I like to do simple things to help me get organized, so when DYMO contacted me about a giveaway for a lucky blackeiffel reader's chance to win their very own DYMO Personal Label Maker, I thought and said, "oh... yes!" There is something special about pretty and uniform labels that makes my heart flutter. I use my label maker for everything from labeling cds and files to helping distinguish between my flour and sugar containers. It is a very well used and handy product in our home.

To spread the encouraging word and help others become more motivated about organization, leave a comment on this post sharing your favorite organizational tips to be entered to win. Enter by Monday September 1st at 11:59pm. Please enter only once and no anonymous entries will be counted.

Good Luck and Happy Organizing!

ps. You can also purchase this Label Maker at most major office supply chains including Staples.


Lindsey Michelle said...

oh, maybe i'm first?!
Thanks for the chance! I'd love an opportunity to further organize my life!

{ Lindsey }

Ashley said...

I like buying second hand things to store my stuff in. Most of the stuff in my scrapbook room is second hand. I also like find new purposes for things, such as the spice rack in the third picture that I store my small embellishments in.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Ashley said...

I have a small house with very limited closet space so my favorite way to organize is to put everything in totes in my garage. I have all my Halloween stuff in one, Christmas in one, kids clothes by age group in one, etc. I love it because when I need something I can just open the tote and wala! (sp?)

I've wanted one of these babies for a long time! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!

please sir said...

How exciting! I also like to use second hand items for creative organizing. One of my favorites is an old postcard rack I use for inspiring photos. I also go by the rule "everything has a space" so I know where to find it again! Thanks for the giveaway!

Rose said...

Ooh! Very nice. I hope I'm lucky enough to win this. My home is in desperate need of organization. I can't tell the difference between the cornstarch and flour!

Jasmine said...

Favourite organizational tips:

-use online resources like Google Calendar and Toodledo to make lists and keep track of dates

-Create the ultimate packing lists, with different lists for a weekend trip, a week-long vacation, or extended travel (be sure to include categories for seasonal items). When you think you have every item included on the list, ask friends and family for suggestions. Laminate it and keep it with your suitcase, or print it out when you need it and check off each item as you pack it.

-put bathroom items (Qtips, cotton balls, etc) in attractive, clear glass jars so you and your houseguests can find things without digging around.

Megan said...

Clean as you go, buy fewer wardrobe items but have them all mix and match, whenever you buy a new item get rid of an old one.

Sophie said...

The nicer, funnier and cleaner my organisation tools look, more I am willing to use it! So I make sure my magazines racks and everything baskets are good looking...
Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I buy cute photo storage boxes to organize small things that crowd up drawers. I have boxes for "Eyes and Teeth" extra toothbrushes, contacts, toothpaste, floss; "Nails" nail polish, extra files, clippers; "Stationary" I'm addicted to buying cute cards (and this way I always know where they are); "Sewing" all those extra buttons that come with your clothes, thread, needles, safety pins; and oh, about a dozen others. BUT, I don't' want to ruin the boxes with my messy handwriting so I usually end up looking in all of the to find what I am looking for. A label maker would clarify things immensely.

Anonymous said...

Hi, my sister (Anne at Elizabeth Anne Designs) introduced me to your blog recently and I am now a daily reader.

We live in FL and it gets very hot and buggy in the garage, so my favorite way to organize is with plastic tubs. I color-code them. I have orange for fall/Halloween, red and green for Christmas, pink for spring/Easter and bright green for summer. I am working towards organizing the mess that is my sewing and crafting materials. I am looking a smaller bins for those items.

Bella said...

Long time reader, first time commenter...I think?! :-)
I am a neat freak! Capitolize the N and the F! I organize everything, I like to use different bins and baskets!

MelancholySmile said...

I like using baskets to organize things in my linen closet. Also in my entertainment center- it's nice to hide away the kid's toys and remote controls. :)

Laura said...

oh, yes please!
i've always labeled everything (such as using "Hi, my name is" tags on notebooks for class) but all of my labels are random & mismatched.
a label maker would make life so much more coordinated!

Sarah L. said...

organize and re-purpose household items such as silverware drawer organizer used for organizing makeup drawer. empty matchboxes to hold earrings for traveling. coat hanger for spools of ribbon. the list goes on.

Emily said...

WOW. I love organization. My favorite thing so far has been my little boy's closet. I got a big shelf from IKEA with baskets and each basket is labeled with the type of toy (trucks, action figures, trains, etc.) so every thing has a place. I would DIE for this!

Helen said...

Keep a diary! I have been lots more organised since keeping a diary, I make to do lists and know when to return library books.

I like to use colour-coded pens. Green stuff is to do with uni work, red is fun and social life, blue is work, orange is exercise.

megan said...

The most basic and easiest thing I've found to do is as soon as you buy something, give it a home. And anytime you use it just be sure to put it back in that same spot and it will never be lost!

Ivy said...

I love to buy old glass jars and fill them with miscellaneous items like pens, buttons, change, abandoned earrings that I'm hoping to find their mate. It stores them and looks pretty in my closet.

Another fave is to take the door of a closet. Paint the inside walls a fun color and get woven baskets to store your towels and linens in. It always looks fab!

Just think of all the fab labeling I could do on my jars with this labelmaker!

Angie said...

I love magazines...love them! But, I don't like to keep all of them because they take up a ton of space. So, whenever I am going through a magazine, I tear out the pages that catch my fancy and then I put them one of the cooresponding binders that I have made. I have for recipes, parenting, decorating, organizing, etc... I love that I can just go to the binder to find what I need fast, and not have to look through an entire magazine :).

Jessica said...

tackle the next thing to the left. It takes so much of the pressure off of "Do this room!" and puts it into managable things. You only have to get through the next thing to the left.

Anonymous said...

the best advice for organizing i know of is..
GET RID OF CRAP. the trash can be your friend.

Jen said...

For me the best organizing tip is simplifiying and de-cluttering. I'm working on my bathroom cabinets now and getting rid of everything that's expired, I haven't used in I-can't-even-remember-how-long, and was a mistake-purchase (I seriously thought I was going to wax my own legs? Oh no, no, no.).

m-l-e said...

oh wow-- I'd love to win this. My tip is that less is more-- ie, the less that shows, the more organized things appear. Getting cabinents, dressers, cool vintage suitcases to store things in keeps it all easily accessible, but makes things look uncluttered and organized.

Brooke Williams said...

i am a huge magazine freak, but after months of piled up magazines, a couple years ago i started going thru them and tearing out only the things i liked. then i stick them all in sheet protectors, and then organize them into 3-ring binders based on their subject: decor, craft, ideas, gardening, cooking. sounds insane sometimes, but i feel like at least i'm doing my part by recycling what i don't need...and it makes it super-easy for me to flip thru them all for ideas!

what a cool giveaway!

Tara Celeste said...

I just started my first teaching position and I'm trying to keep track of all my students with special needs. Labeling is a must in special education and this little gadget would be a lifesaver!

Rebecca said...

my favorite tip is taking care of the mail as soon as i gather it from the box. i pick it up, drive to my house, sort, and toss all trashy mail in the trash can before it can make it inside my home. this makes keeping mail clutter to a minimum super easy.

drsus123 said...

My New Year's resolution next year is to become more organized. Maybe this will help me to get a head start...

drsus123 said...

My New Year's resolution for next year is to become more organized. This could make me start earlier...

m spot said...

I have always wanted a label maker. It's the simple things. I would love it!

ailie said...

Oooh, what a great tool to help organize my life. :) I think I read this in a magazine, but I turn my hangers backwards and whatever is left backwards at the end of the season, I get rid of (since I obviously didn't wear it).

S said...

I love to cook but live in a 1,000 square foot townhouse with NO storage space in the kitchen. So I installed sheet metal on the inside of my pantry door and transferred all of my spices to magnetic containers that I bought at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Now all of my spices fit in one space, and they look great displayed together (even thought I'm really the only one who sees them).
PLUS when I need several spices for a specific recipe, I can just stick them all on the hood of my oven while I'm cooking so I don't have to run back and forth from the pantry to the stove or prep area.

cpullum said...

I love to use small tubs. I love to use xlarge tubs to use for storage! Tubs help me keep organized!

Anonymous said...

My husbands like to put things in odd places sometimes. I would love to be able to label everything to where it goes.

Sharon Beesley said...

invite people over for dinner. that always gets me and my husband motivated to clean and organize our snuff.

jen said...

fingers crossed!

I keep paper under control by only touching the mail once--pay it, toss it, or file it immediately.

Anonymous said...

I'm really enjoying a new paper organization system I just put together. Right as you walk in to our apartment, there's a console table with a shelf underneath. On this shelf and below it are three baskets (I'm planning to get a fourth eventually) one of which is for incoming mail that hasn't been looked at yet, another is for mail/papers that need to have something done with them (bills, etc.) and the third is for papers that need to be filed.

Stacy said...

I love label markers, my last job had one and it made my life so much easier.

Joan said...

google's online stuff... just so great for keeping things organized.

My BEST tip... I go by the motto "If it just takes a minute.. just do it!", and its amazing how things don't get out of hand when you take that extra minute. :)

Gretchen Alice said...

I have so many containers to put stuff in, so a label maker would be pretty sweet.

Anonymous said...

I'd love a chance to win this! I am in the process of a major purge/reorganize.

Meg Ruth said...

Oh my! Label makers are grand. I keep myself really organized with my computer files. Everything is segregated by day, month, and year. Being a photographer I have thousands of images. It's so important to be able to find what you want quickly. I always name my files when I import them so I can search for everything easily as well.

Anonymous said...

I ask my kids to do three things in their rooms per day...pick up, tidy up etc. I try to do this myself. Usually it's more than three things, but it gets us started.

Anonymous said...

OOH i love it! i love organizing!

Jennie Lee said...

in terms of organization, when you are at a restaurant and have a lot of people that have cards to pay with, write the card names and amounts per card on the back of the receipt!

LaLu said...

you continue to inspire...keep it coming! I am in love w/ every book you suggest...where do you find them? thanks for sharing yr ideas & musings. I look forward to them everyday!

Anonymous said...

i'd love to have it!

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting one of these forEVER! I love a good organising session and nowhere more so than my desk. I like to put a bit of thought into how I organise things so that I keep the daily use stuff close at hand - and I give away/Freecycle the stuff that's not necessary. It not only looks great, but it's a weight off your mind ... and someone else can benefit from it!

christina said...

i actually made a label with one of the old-fashioned punch label makers yesterday. it has its vintage charm, but it just doesn't cut it anymore. i NEED this!

Maman Pélissié said...

I would love it and use it!

Geevz said...

Good Will is a treasure. Also, just blocking out a whole day to organizing can do amazing things. It is much easier to stay organized than to GET organized.

Anonymous said...

I'm moving from my parents' four bedroom house to a 1 bedroom condo with my new husband. I'll be needing all of the organizational help I can get.

Señorita Puri said...

Okay, let's cross all fingers :-D

Mary said...

Oh I would LOVE this! I've never had a label maker!!! my best organization tip is to deal with the mail every day- toss the junk, pay the bills (ooohhh, online billpay is great for staying organized with bills!) and file what you have to keep. NO stacks of messy papers laying around.

Anonymous said...

Oooh! I have an interesting one..

You know the spare button you are often given when you purchase a new item of clothing?

Well I made a folder in which I stuck a polaroid of the item of clothing on each page, and stapled a mini clear snap-lock bag next to it with the button in it.

This way, if you have lots of clothing (or buttons, for that matter!) you won't need to worry about misplacing that one matching one when it comes time for repairing =)


Lauren said...

The best thing for organization are the containers with the clear drawers in them. In my small room, they are a total lifesaver!

Cate Bruce-Low said...

ohhhhhh! are you kidding? who doesn't need one of these? especially with categories like "plush trains" and "non-pink clothes" to organize.

Cate Bruce-Low said...

ohhhhhh! are you kidding? who doesn't need one of these? especially with categories like "plush trains" and "non-pink clothes" to organize.

Anonymous said...

I use shoe box size containers to store toys for my two boys, with labels on the outside so that we all know where everything goes. It has worked well and is a good size for a 1 and 3 year old to handle.

anne said...

Oh! I would love a DYMO label maker!! Big fan of organization. My personal favorite at home is double-usage items. I use an attractive chest of drawers for storing extra service plates, bowls, etc. Pretty apothecary jars for make-up brushes and Qtips. And these great OXO pop containers for cookies, nuts, pasta and more!

a simple realist. said...

yea for label makers!
i adore uniformed font in labeling too!
i just like to label.
does this make me a dork? :)

Jennifer said...

Whoa, I think Sarah wins with her button tip.

Anyway...I don't have any tips. I'm not very organized, I suppose. So maybe that means that I need the label maker most of all? Haha.

tarable said...

I would love this labelmaker - always striving to organize with totes, bins, and baskets.

My tip is for digital photos. I can't believe how many Moms just have pictures willy-nilly on their computer. Just create folders for years and months, and when you download from your camera, name them my month & your computer can automatically number them by date.

Stephanie said...

A helpful tip that probably applies to everyone:

Tackle the mail over the trash and recycle bins. Take care of it daily, immediately upon retrieving. If you take 4 minutes to do this...you'll save yourself from having to manage a large stack of mail, which can be quite overwhelming.

Labelmaker, oh please be mine!

Anonymous said...

My favorite tip is to store extra sheets between the mattress and boxspring, freeing up closet space for other things!

j. said...

I donate clothes and other items that I don't use/need as a huge way to organize things plus I feel better being able to give to those in need.

CMN said...

VERY COOL! I know just where I'd use it too...

Jinny said...

my ocd-ness would def benefit from a label maker =D

LYNN said...

It happened gradually over the course of many loads of laundry and rehanging, but I love that my closet ended up arranged by color. It makes it so easy to find what I'm looking for...even if my friends think I'm crazy!

erin wilson said...

Fantastic! I'm in.

Katie Ricky said...

I use document boxes from the container store to organize everything in. That way if there are random scraps they are nicely hidden!

Thanks for the giveaway!

bbphoto said...

iCal on my MacBook Pro is my main organizational strategy. It not only allows me to coordinate all my personal calendars- but my work ones, my various committees that I belong to for my school and school district, as well as all the volunteer opportunities I stay involved in. It sends alarms and even updates itself to my iPhone...

but a label machine will bring me to heaven for my art classroom- imagine- everything labeled and all the students knowing where everything belongs.... could this be my dream?

Sarah's Fab Day said...

Ok I'm getting a kick out of all of the tips because I'm not super organized. Hence the need for this label maker. :) My best tip is keep all your recipes organized in the binder with plastic sleeves so if they get a little food splash you can just wipe and put away.

Seattle Jon said...

I've just started an organizing business, this would help!

Cher said...

Yes PLEASE! Oh the things I could label!

Miss L said...

I have always wanted a label maker! (How dorky do I sound?)

My favorite organization tip is in my closet. I organize my clothes with my shirts on one rod and my pants on the other. My shirts are in order based on the length of their sleeves (sleeveless, short sleeved, 3/4 length, long, etc.). My pants are organized by material and length. (Capris are in order by color and then denim, and then my jeans, and my dress pants). Wow-- that was a lot longer than I was expecting :)

strollermama said...

I am addicted to labeling everything. I would love this gaget.

Anonymous said...

My best organizing tip is to declutter, declutter and then declutter some more. Then organize!

Diana Hulme said...

Put things away immediately, don't let them pile up. You'll stay organized if you do it a little at a time. :)

kitty said...

Tidying tip: I always have electrical cord spaghetti behind the desk, tv, couch, you name it. So I've made little tabs out of tape with the electronic's name on it and put one around each cord near the plug so I know which plug goes to what appliance and now I don't unplug my computer when trying to unplug the stereo.

...a label machine would make this task so much nicer! ;)

Getting things done: I've made lists of what tasks need to be done organized by how long it takes to do them. So if I have an hour, I know I can give myself a full manicure and I do that. But if I only have 15 minutes, I can pick something like cleaning out the fridge or throwing in a load of wash, etc. Seeing how long all the different tasks take makes it seem a lot more manageable.

Melissa said...

I am the queen of Rubbermaid bins! I own a bajillion. Okay, that's an exaggeration, but you get the idea. Gosh, they could use some labels. :-)

Anonymous said...

I use a spice rack to organize all of my small jewelry by color. The rack is clear plexiglass, and the spice jars are clear glass with white lids.

I hope I win!!!

Unknown said...

Ummm I'm currently living out the large trash bags full of clothes I used when moving from my apartment a few days ago but labels would be nice for when I decide to unpack....

vintagemint said...

For me, I feel organized when my mess is out of sight. I put mail/bills in a pretty box on the credenza by the door as an effort to de-clutter my space. I carry this method over to my office (metal boxes with lids for papers/cards/envelopes), and living room (mirrored-box for storing remote controls). It works for me at least. :0)

Tammy said...

this was an incredibly difficult qu. for me - made me realize I don't really organize anything. but . . . I do. All our paper stuff, bills, contracts, boys schoolwork - all in files, labelled in my messy handwriting. A labelmaker would be wonderful!

Mel said...

Don't be afraid to throw things away!

Brinn said...

To keep my purse/diaper bag/bottomless pit organized I keep EVERYTHING in ziplock bags. There is a bag for toys, treats, diaper stuff, papers, etc. Helps so much when you have a tendency to carry your entire house on your shoulder when you go out...

MA said...

Oh, how I adore labels...such fun. My organizational tip: Buy lovely basket, that way everything will have a lovely home and a place to be stored.

Steph said...

I am a perfectionist with ADD. I need this!

chiara said...

i'd love to win this for my mom. she has all these post-its in her kitchen labeling her shelves and it just looks awful!

Anonymous said...

Please, please get me more organized! I would love it!!Keeping my fingers crossed.....

diorinspired said...

Hi I am a photo stylist. Over the years I have amassed hundreds of picture references (sometimes called tears or scraps) in the days before scanners and downloading were available to reproduce files in folders on hard drives. I treasure my paper collections of vintage photocopies, postcards, magazine clippings etc. that I meticulously store in my file cabinets. As a parent, I am the kind of organizer that has redesigned all of my important life photo albums with similar fonts, labels, paper and bindings taking advantage of all of the new technology out there. I have never used a label maker but would love to win this one and put it to good use! Thanks!

Jessica B. said...

I label EVERYTHING and my label maker just "passed away". There was a funeral. Lots of tears. Please make my dreams come true with a new Dymo...not that anything can replace my lost love...

Christine Chitnis said...

This is amazing- I would love to organize our spices, closets and folders of paperwork! Ooh- this inspires so many organizational projects! Thanks for hosting a great contest!

Anonymous said...

My fave way to keep hair ties, bobby pins, etc organized is to keep them in separate glass votive candle holders in the drawer. They're the perfect size to hold small objects and they are inexpensive yet still look nice.

Anonymous said...

When organizing, it is a good idea to think vertically to maximize as much space as possible. This is really important to remember for small spaces. See through plastic containers are the way to go when organizing collections of things, small or large. They are also ideal for storing off season clothing to help keep out things like moths and odor. Of course, organizing would be much easier and fun with a DYMO label maker!

Unknown said...

I am drastically in need of some more organization in my life. It will be very handy for my planned move in a year.

Revsmith said...

My favorite organizationa tip is to sort out a different closet every week or so. I take everything out give the shelves a good clean and really sort sort sort. It somehow makes me happy knowing I have sorted stuff behind doors!

pampete1 said...

When I buy shoes, I take them out of the cardbord boxes and put them in clear storage boxes so you can see them and they stay clean. Also, anything I have not worn in 18 months goes to a consignment store or Goodwill...I have not ever missed anything that I have gotten rid of!

Chelsea said...

I love using the over-the-door shoe organizers for things other than shoes - bathroom supplies like a roll of bathroom tissue, loofah, toothpaste, etc.

I need more organization, though, as currently it's severely lacking...

Customized labels said...

I buy cute photo storage boxes to organize small things that crowd up drawers. I have boxes for "Eyes and Teeth" extra toothbrushes, contacts, toothpaste, floss; "Nails" nail polish, extra files, clippers; "Stationary" I'm addicted to buying cute cards (and this way I always know where they are); "Sewing" all those extra buttons that come with your clothes, thread, needles, safety pins; and oh, about a dozen others. BUT, I don't' want to ruin the boxes with my messy handwriting so I usually end up looking in all of the to find what I am looking for. A label maker would clarify things immensely

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I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas, thanks for reading!