Tyler Stout

I really enjoy Tyler Stout's illustrations for the Flight of the Conchords album.


Amy said...

Ooh I like it! But he did make poor Jemaine a little...unattractive, didn't he?

Anonymous said...

The show where they get the visit from David Bowie is sooo hilarious... I always recite lines from it at work and no one knows what I'm talking about...oh well :)

Anonymous said...

i really enjoy flight of the conchords in general

Wind and Windows said...

Jemaine's a daddy now! That kid will have the best lullabies for sure...

carla thorup said...

i love them! Especially jermaine. we actually got our blog name based off of our love for their songs. the new art work is rad!

The Fab Miss B said...

Hee hee! I love this show so much it hurts. This artwork is delicious gravy.

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