World's Largest Lite-Brite

I'm thinking Lite-Brite is considered vintage, no? Did you ever play? (Enjoy an online version and still even get them here) Check this clip out boasting the world's largest lite-brite by Vitro Roberston for an Asics campaign. Neato. (via here)


Anonymous said...

litebrite! old-school... oh, the nostalgia. thx for that.

Anonymous said...

I loved lite-brite! It was so fun... I wonder if I could find one...

Anonymous said...

I love Lite Brite as a kid! I remember my fingers would get sore from pushing the pegs in through the holes.

Danielle said...

"lite-brute, lite-brite! Beautiful pictures shine so bright!" I looooved my lite brite! I think should raid my basement to find it!

Emily said...

WOW that is cool. I loved my lite-brite. I still have it, but I'm out of patterns.

jo said...

oh, lite brites are still going strong! we bought one for my little girl a year or so ago at a regular target or walmart type store (can't remember which one now.) of course the design has been updated and isn't as cool as the old ones, but the basic concept is still there, and still so much fun!

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