Welcome Sponsor Amala + giveaway

Today, I am super excited to welcome sponsor Amala!


Amala is a organic skincare line out of Germany (a place I wish I was able to visit my last time in Bavaria) and they are all about offering top notch skincare. I love that their website states, "Radiant Skin, Responsible Skincare -- they are not mutually exclusive". Yes -- Amala gets it.


I am really drawn to the Amala products I've sampled because
1 - they are really high quality
2 - their company has authentic integrity in a partnership with nature and
3 - they have well-designed and pretty packaging (I love the cork lids).


The exciting part for you readers is Amala is offering a fabulous giveaway!

One lucky winner will receive : hydrating hand cream, rejuvenating cleansing milk, hydrating face cream and a rejuvenating collagen mask! Everyone can also benefit from a limited time promo code: "Black Eiffel" on their website for 20% off good through October 31st (you need to be logged in to use the promo code) . They have some great gift sets for the upcoming holidays.

For a chance to win, leave a comment below by Sunday, October 25th and the winner will be randomly selected on Monday and announced on this post.

Thanks Amala and Nichole! Be sure to also check out Amala's beautiful blog.

The randomly selected winner is Cooperseal! If you didn't win, don't fret, you can still take advantage of that great 20% discount now through the end of the month with promo code "Black Eiffel" when logged in.


Nicole P said...

oh me me me! I wanna be a winner! :)

This line looks divine!


Joanna said...

Ooh, sign me up! Thanks for the opportunity.

Alicia @ One Rae Sister said...

Please, please! What an awesome giveaway! Thanks a ton :o)

Cait said...

This looks great. My skin could use a little lovin'.

hannah said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks.

Brit said...

I'm on the hunt for a new line of face care...might have to look into this company! Thanks for the post!

Kelly said...

i love new skin care products - these look divine.


Megan said...

what a great giveaway! thank you!

Jessica said...

This giveaway is AMAZING! I hope I can win!


Rissa and Jared said...

this is exactly what i need. i'm not sure what it was, but i did something to make my skin super mad at me and I have lost all control. this would get me right back on track!

Saltina said...

The packaging is so pretty!

ansley b. said...

i would love to try amala!

Lindsay said...

Wicked! Who wouldn't want some skin therapy..... : )

Richae said...

Would love to sign up!

<3 your blog.

klein814 said...

just moved from desert to humidity and have been needing something new for skincare. this is great - thanks!

Sy Pie said...

I want my skin to win!

oops! said...

I am the Mother of 3 beautiful, youthful daughters, and this old Mom needs help! I would love to try Amala, whether I win or not!

Sarah said...

i am a totally sucker for fancy hand cream. please pick me! :)

bridgetwhoplaysfrenchhorn said...

so wonderful!!

sophie & lili said...

what a lovely product line! thanks!

kt said...

yummmm, looks divine! i'd love to give it a try!

Sayaka said...

wow those look really lovely. would love to try them!

Alison said...

Love the packaging - I would love to try them!

Unknown said...

lovely... thanks for the opportunity!

sarah said...

looks lovely!

Sarah Bradley said...

I've been searching for new products. This looks great!

Meghan said...

Such pretty packaging! Count me in.

Miss Mary said...

Sounds lovely! I hope I win!

mich ruby said...

oh how lovely! What a nice treat :)

Camille said...

The packaging alone is very inviting! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

oh! how nice. i've heard such great things about amala.

Monica Aguinaga said...

hey! count me in! love this new line....I hope I win!!! he he

Suzanne said...

I soooo need some skin TLC! I hope I win!

leni said...

the packaging is amazing! so beautiful.`

Meg said...

how rejuvenating! that would be a treat!

Amy said...

Perfect timing! My skin has been acting up with the seasons changing and I'm in desparate need of some new skin products! ~Amy

My Marie Bee said...

beautiful packaging and photography... sign me up :) thank you!

SimplyGrove said...

Great giveaway!!!! xx

Anonymous said...

I love these products....they smell amazing and feel luxurious on your skin. And not only is the packaging
nice but their photography is beautiful!

Jan-nut said...

What a great giveaway, I heard there products are amazing

Whits said...

I would love this! I love good skin care products and I agree with you -- the packaging looks great!

jennifer hsieh said...

time for a new face!

Kristen said...

oh, absolute bliss!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, these look wonderful! Thanks for the opportunity!

wide open spaces said...

if their product is as sublime as their packaging, i'm sold.

moxie said...

the product is top notch. gathering all my luck as i publish this comment. thanks!

Blogful said...

Oooh la la!

Cher said...

Out with the chemicals, in with the natural! I'd love to try to some of their products...

Lauren said...

I am such a sucker for beautiful packaging, and everything featured in this post certainly fits the bill! So pretty!

Alie said...

oh yes yes yes!

Anonymous said...

The products look great. I would love to try them out. Sign me up for this opportunity. Thanks.

bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

Lucy said...

Oh wow yes please add me to the list! What a beautiful-looking product... thanks for the opportunity!

Lucy x

Emily said...

I am a sucker for pretty packaging. I haven't heard of Amala but I would LOVE to give it a try!

Stephanie said...

Rejuvenate, mais oui!


stephanie.i.kuo [at] gmail.com

Wilson said...

Look Lovely! Sign me up!

Lindsey said...

I could use some of that!

Capree said...

My skin is dying in this dry Utah air! I could definitely use some Amala in my life. :)

Ginny O said...

I love organic and sustainable products! Thanks so much for having a giveaway!

Bethany said...

wowww! what a awesome giveaway! hadn't heard of amala before, but hopefully i'll get to try some of their products! *wink wink*

Unknown said...

Mmhmm! Include me, please!

moomi said...

wow! what a gorgeous range - perfect packaging, perfect products! i love the look & sound of the relax collection, just what i need with two small kiddos!
thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

My skin would love to try new products. I have been in a skincare rut as of lately.

BritCosplay said...

oh my goodness my face is screaming "help me! Help me please!"
This skin care sounds amazing!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a fabulous line - I would love to try it! Thanks for the opportunity!

Becky said...

I'm sold on the packaging alone!

Handi Andi said...

I need something to perk up this tired face!

Betsy said...

I've been hearing a lot about Amala products lately and would love to try them out! Thanks for offering a great giveaway.

Tegan said...

The packaging is AMAZING!! *crosses fingers + toes*


darling, said...

i have only heard great things about amala. i want to see those great things - on my face! fingers crossed.

caitlin1e at hotmail dot com

Emily said...

Can't wait to check Amala out!

Naomi said...

I'm such a sucker for beautiful packaging. These are gorgeous!

Abigail A. said...

How beautiful! Unfortunately, cork forests are in danger because the wine industry is moving on to other materials for their stoppers. I'm so glad Amala is using cork! It has a wonderful aesthetic as well.

Linda said...

so pretty!

Unknown said...

Lovely! Thanks for the contest :)

La Belle Lumière said...

Ooh, yes, I recently heard about Amala, but am yet to give their products a try. I do love their philosophy on skin care, too.

{becca alder} said...

ooooo i would be so lucky!! :)

Sam said...

Lovely! what a delight

julia said...

i'd love to win! ...my skin needs some love :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love the packaging. The pictures are great, too!
Thanks for the opportunity!

Morgan said...

oh wow! this looks amazing! love the simplistic design of the packaging!

Unknown said...

Very generous...and pretty, pretty. (crossing fingers!)

PixieGrin said...

i'm feelin' lucky..and this is right up my alley. thanks for posting these lovely items!

Jenny Rebecca said...

Wonderful products!!

Paris said...

Lucky me!

Tania said...

i love the sound of this, fingers & toes are crossed that i win!

Rebecca Robison said...

oh i wish, i wish, i wish!

Aquiel said...

Looks like just what I need for the imminent winter dryness.

ak said...

i like the glass packaging...especially considering beauty products are oily...less to worry about than plastic containers..i'd love to find a natural/ecofriendly product that works great! maybe this will be it!

Erin Faye said...

What an awesome giveaway! I just stumbled on your blog and will definitely be back.

Kylie said...

I could really use a skin "uplift" right about now. It's been feeling pretty tired lately. Though, getting over a cold can do that to you, and I just did so.

Erica Kelly said...

thank you for the giveaway! hope i win :)

Chanelle said...

I hereby place my name into the drawing.

looks awesome!

Unknown said...

The hand lotion sounds wonderful, especially for the annoying eczema on my hands. Thank you!!

lisa said...

ohhh want want want!

allison. said...

who doesn't want great skin stuff! thanks!

Jess said...

I need some quality products like these badly!!!


charlotte M. said...

love their packaging

Kitty said...

Oh, how fun. I love new beauty products.

Fritzi Marie


Deanna said...

Sounds wonderful! Count me in :)

Unknown said...

I've been looking for new skincare products so please count me in for the giveaway, thanks!

Genna said...

Always searching for a better moisturizer...would love to try this one! :)

Alicia said...

It does look fabulous!

Hayley said...

Fantastic giveaway! Amala seems like such a great skincare line!


Claire said...

I've been worrying about my typically super-dry skin during the winter, but cleansing milk sounds like it would be just the thing to soothe!

tablespoons said...

I would LOVE to win this! Crossing my fingers. . .

Samantha said...

I would love to try some of this ! I hope I get choosen !

blueiris315 said...

I love this line! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

these look so great! pick me pick me

Emily said...

Count me in! I would love something like this!

rachael said...

these products look amazing...i've bookmarked them for a future purchase.
thanks for the opportunity to win such a great set!

kribss said...

in desperate need of trying a new face care line, this looks promising!

Stacey said...

this line looks amazing!

Unknown said...

Wonderful giveaway!



Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this wonderful giveaway!

Emma's World said...

this seems like such a luxurious treat. I look forward to trying them out. Thank you for the opportunity.

Jeanette said...


Kim said...

How lovely!! I would love to win :-)

Julie P said...

Oh lovely. I have such sensitive skin and natural products are always better for me. Would LOVE to try this.

Angela said...

Oooh, sounds lovely!

Anonymous said...

Yes, please! I think my skin would love me forever with this treat. :)

loft2dwell said...

Looks and sounds beautiful!

Shalee said...

I love skin products. Would love try to out these beauties!

Kara said...

Sounds like a wonderful product.

jam said...

This giveaway looks incredible. I'm crossing my fingers.

Kara said...

pick me! pick me!

Unknown said...

OOOoo, gorgeous!

LadySings said...

Oh my goodness, this would be divine to have sitting next to my sink. So pretty! Swoon!

awolfie said...

I love it!

Alex said...

beautiful products!


The Baker's Goods said...

I'm more prone to buy something if it is well designed and packaged and these products definitely have that! Beautiful!

Paige H. said...

this looks wonderful! and I could definitely use it!

Marie + January said...

i love your blog and i LOVE this giveway!

Cat G. said...

I would love, love, love to win this one!

Robyn said...

Oh my goodness, I definitely don't have the money to splurge on that kinda stuff right now, so winning this would be amazing!!

Sarah said...

So exciting! I would love to win these, especially now that colder weather has set in and my skin could use some extra care.

Lindsay said...

guten tag fraulein!

If you but choose me
I would be forever glad
beauty in and out


nicole said...

Perfect timing - the weather is just turning cold here. I'm in need of rich creams and lotions! Thank you! nicole.boddington@gmail.com.

Melanie M. said...

I love giveaways! Sounds wonderful!!

Wylie said...

These look lovely. I would love to win some new products!

lee said...

yay! fingers crossed!

CMN said...

Oh please, please, pretty please! (As in "pick me - pick me!") Their products look simply Awesome!

love-v said...

New skin products sound nice, these sound luxurious.

SerenaZ said...

great! Several of the blogs I read have had an Amala giveaway, so it sound like an awsome product!

Katie said...

Pick me!

Unknown said...

Wow, how lovely!

caroline dot winschel at gmail dot com

angel said...

yes, yes, yes - pwease....

austin said...

Such a swell giveaway! Fingers are crossed.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of the brand before but it looks lovely.

[ w i n D ] said...

I think this giveaway will be great for me. I'm just move to Subtropic country from Tropical country, and my skin try to adapt with the weather. And now, drier than ever. Find a good skin product is a hard thing, but I am sure, Amala product is the best one for my skin.

joaniebaby said...

i love pretty bottles of great beauty elixers!!!

Zina Brown said...

what wonderful products. Love the website and everything on it. Can't wait to try them

Anonymous said...

My skin has not been so sad in a long time as it has been this fall -- it makes me dread winter!

Thanks for the giveaway!

cassie said...

now that i'm pregnant i've been extra picky about what types of skin care products i'll use. the amala line looks like it could be the answer to all my skincare needs!

elizabeth said...

WOW! That's amazing. I love their product!

TheMoncurs said...

I've heard about their products in a few places...I'd love to give their stuff a try!

natasha said...

Oh what a treat this would be!

Malinda said...

Oh wow! It all sounds/looks lovely!

Rachel said...

Holy Moly, what I wouldn't do. I have never sampled the products before, but if the packaging is amy indication I bet it's all lovely.
I wanna Amala:-)

Nanette said...

Ooh these seem wonderful, my skin would love!

Tara Anderson said...

oh they do have gorgeous packaging!! I'm off to browse their site now. Thanks!

joelle said...

Lovely packaging, great ethics and can't wait to see what it does to my (aging) skin!

A Sunday Kind Of Love said...

I would love to win this!!

Tegan said...

Oh wow! These look awesome :)

jujubeetleb said...

My skin would LOVE it!!!

Katie said...

Love this giveaway! Welcome to Amala! :) I could use some skin pampering pre-wedding....this looks divine! :)

M. said...

nourish my skin and make me beautiful please! :)

Katrien said...

I hope this products are as good as their packaging, i love it!

lgd said...

Sign-Me-Up! The cork tops are great!

Katie said...

Oooh Pick me, pick me! It looks amazing

Susan said...

I hope I win...this would be a first!!!

Ann said...

awesome! me me!

Carrie said...

hope i win! what a treat

Shanin Glenn said...

Love it! This might actually get me and my face back on speaking terms.


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