Frank Lloyd Wright Lego Sets

Frank Lloyd Wright Lego Sets
Frank Lloyd Wright Lego Sets

These are genius! Legos never looked so good.

Falling Water Lego Set
Guggenheim Museum Lego Set


Mandi Johnson said...

I went to visit Falling Water in October and saw the Lego set in the gift shop. It was so tiny, and pretty expensive. I thought, dude, I could totally make this with my brothers expansive collection of legos. Although, most likely, I never will. hehe

Lindsey said...

Wow, so amazing! These are Legos that I can totally get into. Love them,

{ Lindsey }

Lindsey said...
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Anonymous said...

How clever!

i am pam said...

these are pretty cool. i'm almost 40 and i want to buy one and go off put it together like i did as a kid. that is pretty cool!

Joslyn said...

i love these...planning to get one for hubby for christmas ;-)

Beleza Designs said...

perfect way to indoctrinate the kids at a young age!!

jessica | destined to design said...

brilliant! FLW would be proud.

Unknown said...

Thanks! I starred in google reader and just purchased for my lil brother. He's getting a Masters in Arch @ Yale. He'll love it!

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