Sponsor Highlight : Dace

I am happy to introduce Black Eiffel sponsor Dace. I've previously mentioned them here, but wanted to let you know about their Spring collection and also their current promotion which is a free Dace illustration by Dallas Shaw with purchase. Again they've done such a great job with their photograph and styling -- love.

If you would like to become a Black Eiffel sponsor, email : blackeiffel@gmail.com for rates and more information.

Judy Kaufmann

Judy Kaufmann

Enjoyed seeing these etsy prints by Judy Kaufmann from Barcelona. Aren't they graphic and lovely?

Linnea's Lights

Linnea's Lights

I received a Linnea's Lights candle in the mail the other day, and not only is the packaging beautiful, (including a sweet little matchbox under the lid) but the smell and way these candles burn is wonderful. Find them at these retailers. Next time I want to try Cassis, Magnolia, or Currant Rouge can't decide...

Bonus -- during the month of April Linnea's Lights is donating 10% of proceeds to Kyle's Treehouse for Autism awareness.

Stella McCartney for Gap

Stella McCartney for Gap
Here are my favorite looks from the new Stella McCartney for Gap Kids collection. A few others I wanted to add -- but they sold out way too quick!

Karin Nussbaumer

Karin Nussbaumer

Today I am very inspired by the photographs by Karin Nussbaumer. I love how she creates stories within her work and portfolio. Check out the rest of her lovely work here. Don't these photos just scream Spring?

Karin Nussbaumer

Katie Herzig

Last week, I came across the beautiful voice of Katie Herzig. I got goosebumps when I heard the above duet with her and Matthew Perryman Jones. Hear more from her here. Happy Music Monday!

(ps. Has anyone else had issues with Blogger today?)

Bébé no. Deux

We are very thrilled and I'm happy to share with you readers that things have been a little different around our house, because little bambino number two is on the way! We had a ultrasound a few weeks ago and I was glad to see all the fingers and toes were there. We will find out shortly if it is a girl or a boy -- I will keep you posted.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Happy Moments...

Great quotes to remember seen at I Can Read.

Beautiful Umbrella image Anna posted from Allure Magazine.

The entire sneak-peak over at Design Sponge of Emersonmade -- ahh that pantry! Their whole home is lovely beyond words.

Roxy Marj illustrated a great image of Ray Lamontagne --- love. His voice soothes me.

Coming across this beautiful website - Green Kitchen Stories and green juice recipe posted by Ellie over at Mint. Hope to make this weekend.

Cool limited edition fabric from the Victoria & Albert Museum to celebrate their Quilt exhibition.

I love this coffee sack basket from Brin and Nohl shared by A Merry Mishap -- adding it to my wish list.

City Secrets Books

City Secrets Books

I enjoy reading other people's opinions about things, and these City Secrets Insider's Guide books are right up any 'guide book' lover's alley. They are compilations of short essays written by award-winning novelists, writers, poets, directors, producers etc... all revealing and recommending their favorite forgotten, underappreciated and little-known movies and works of literature. They would make a perfect gift for many people on my list that are tricky to shop for. I received them in the mail the other day and was really delighted with their content.

You can find City Secrets Movies and City Secrets Books and the rest of the series including City Secrets travel titles here.


Not that I am in the market for a rucksack, but I came across this one and it was love at first sight. You can find it at the Japanese store Beauty and Youth -- it looks amazing. It is water repellent too, bonus. This one is pretty sweet too.

(via Josh Spear)

Greenhouse Picnic Wedding

Did you see the stunning photos that Chelsea posted on Frolic and Project Wedding? They are breathtaking and the greenhouse theme and styling is perfection. See more images and all of the images credits here.

(photos by Lisa Warninger)

Collection a Day

Collection a Day
Collection a Day

Have you been following Lisa Congdon's Collection a Day? It is brilliant.

Container Living

I find container living fascinating especially when you can achieve results like the lovely home below. It is great that this solution is catching on all over the globe to use up leftover shipping containers that are going to waste.

(Images : 1 : Container City | 2: Cove Park | 3: Keetwonen | 4: Outdoor popup | 5: Macro-Sea Pools 6: Container image by Chris Jordan )

The Cordell Shipping Container House is beautifully designed and modern, developed by Numen, see more images here.

(See more at the Daily Green + Glving)

9 By Design

9 By Design

Last year I mentioned that Bob and Cortney Novogratz of Sixx Design were getting their own Bravo show, I've been waiting to hear more -- so I was thrilled to receive a press release today all about it. The Docu-seires will be called 9 by Design and will share a glimpse into the lives of the hip artsy designer couple and their seven kids (I didn't realize they had two sets of twins, wow!) sharing their signature design styles. It premiers Tuesday April 13th at 11PM ET/PT and then will move to 10pm on Tuesday April 20th on Bravo, and you can learn more about it here. Will you be watching?

(I've previously mentioned Sixx Design here and here.)

Sponsor Highlight : Polarn O. Pyret

I am really excited to introduce sponsor Polarn O. Pyret! They are a company from Sweden that has been producing high quality clothing since 1976 and their clothing is a staple in almost every Swedish household. Polarn O. Pyret is accessible online and to the U.S. and is really known for their lovely collection of stripes and their incredible outwear line, and after seeing a few items in person I am sold -- their quality is really top notch.

(items shown above : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 )

If you would like to become a Black Eiffel sponsor, email blackeiffel@gmail.com for more information. Thanks.

Like A Fading Rainbow

Jenny Wilson

I haven't spent too much time there, but this song and video called 'Like a Fading Rainbow' by Swedish singer Jenny Wilson reminds me of the South. It is very catchy. Take a peek and tell me what you think. Happy Music Monday!

(via cliptip)

Raw Health Packaging

Raw Health Packaging
Raw Health Packaging
Love this packaging for Raw Health done by Pearlfisher. (via Lovely Package)

Blog it Forward : Inspiration

Have you been following and enjoying the Blog it Forward series put together by Victoria from sfgirlbybay? It has been a pleasure to peruse all of the inspirational posts and today is my turn to share what inspires me most - I decided to pick ten.

pretty books & magazines

I am really drawn to classic literature, and these redesigned Penguin Classics are stunning. I also love beautiful art, photography and coffee table books along with well-thought out magazines. Don't you love to curl up with a good book? I find them inspirational and uplifting. What have you been reading or perusing?

{Seeing the Everyday | Lulu | Penguin Classics designed by Coralie}


I don't think I could ever get enough of maps. I think there are three hanging in our house, two of them I picked up in a flea market in France. I remember gasping when I first saw the above map dress by Elisabeth and the Screenprints by Paula Scher -- my word, they are amazing!

{Places on earth Print |Elisabeth LeCourt Map Dress| Paula Scher Screenprint Maps |Ork City Posters}


Other artists/designers sketchbooks and inspiration boards are incredibly beautiful. It gives a peak into their creativity and window into their inner thoughts, just love.

{Chickenwire Board | Jen Causey's Inspiration Wall | James Gallagher Sketch Book}

style look books

Sometimes I feel like certain catalogs are just as good as magazines because of impeccable photography, creativity and styling. It makes me really happy when I receive a good look book or catalog in the mail.

{Anthropologie | Toast | J. Crew}


My endearment for balloons has grown after having our daughter, she adores them too the moon. My husband will often surprise her coming home with them after work, it lights up her world -- that inspires me.

{Louis V | Glass Balloons | White Balloons photographed by Pia Ulin}


Music has always been a huge and inspirational part of my life. Music has a body + soul connection that can alter a day into something even better. It is a wonderful simple pleasure in life. Oh, and bad music with awful lyrics can do the opposite effect, and sometimes you won't even know it. -- beware.

{Bach | Feist | Jeff Buckley | Art by Robert Longo}

travel & discovery

My husband and others who have traveled with me like to tease me about a few of my travel habits. While traveling I take lots and lots of photos and will sometimes turn to complete silent mode because I am soaking the experience in. I also like to get lost -- as long as it isn't in a sketchy area. I adore travel, adventure, learning about new cultures and going somewhere I've never been before. Do you do anything nutty when you travel?

{Book - mine | Photo by Ben Watts from Self | Me in Beynac, France | Mac & I in Paris}


Nature is inspiring and uplifts my heart and soul, patterns and colors in nature compel me to be a better creative person. Of course, fresh flowers brought indoors makes me wonderfully happy too.

{Tulip Gardens in Holland | Sheep in Scotland by Jim Richardson}

learning & inspirational people

I often get goosebumps when I learn about powerful new concepts, you know that really good wow and awe feeling? I am empowered by learning about motivational people who have impacted and changed the lives of others -- it is moving.

{Hellen Keller | Abraham Lincoln | Ted Talks}


Food and Cool Packaging Design by themselves make me light up, so when you put those two elements together -- watch out. I can spend hours in a gourmet grocery store perusing the shelves just to look at the pretty packaging design. I also enjoy improving my cooking skills.

{Macaroons |Lemon Curd | Coconut Cupcake |Sadaharu AOKI}

Well there you go, I hope you enjoyed. What has inspired you this week -- I would love to hear about it! To keep the Blog it Forward chain alive -- yesterday was Bits of Beauty and tomorrow is Black White Yellow!

Food Conscience

Food Conscience

Over the last several months, I watched some intriguing documentaries about the production of food. I started with Food Inc. followed by King Corn, (which you can both stream on Netflix) and The Future of Food (you can watch on hulu). The films all together shared a lot of the same information, but there is no doubt -- that people are awakening to food awareness and the ongoing revolution of what we are eating, don't you think? They all brought up very thought-provoking points on where our food originates and how it is produced.

How many of you have watched the Oscar nominated Food Inc. or any of the above flicks? I got my husband and other family members to watch it, and it immediately made us more conscious about what we consume. Yes, it takes more time and effort, and costs a little bit more to actively be engaged-- but you can save on quantity and go for quality and not break the bank. We are definitely far from perfect in our personal food consumption and eating choices, but are doing our best to make strides in the right direction. A few simple and rewarding choices we can make include supporting local farmer's markets, joining a CSA, growing a garden (even a patio, or deck one) and selecting high quality proteins.

A exciting television series that I am really looking forward to viewing is Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution USA (see trailer here) a sneak peak preview airs March 21st on ABC and it premiers on March 26th. I love the quote he shares that, "I believe that every child in America has the right to fresh, nutritious school meals, and that every family deserves real, honest, wholesome food". Yes -- thank you Jamie Oliver!

Although I don't have a child in school yet, I remember the days of fellow high school students filling their plates with stacks of fries, slices of pizza and soup bowls full of ranch to dip them in followed up with guzzles of Coke. We had healthy options, but kids still picked that as a staple. What do you remember from your school lunches? I was very impressed by my friend Stephanie and her daughter's experience with lunch in France -- check out these French school menus! I hope that in the future we can see more options like this in the United States and other areas of the world.

Continuing to talk about food, I really enjoyed the January article from Martha Stewart Living that focused upon what produce to buy organically. I've known about the EWG's dirty dozen for quite some time, but want to be better about follow-through at the grocery store. To remind myself and others, (if you are interested) I made a little business card size reminder to put in your wallet to easily access at the grocery store.

The thought behind it, is to print it out on heavy paper and laminate it. You can download the card here. You can also get a free nifty little iPhone app called, "dirty produce" here. Interestingly potatoes, spinach, and red raspberries have been taken off the list and have been replaced by carrots, lettuce and kale.

Here are a few books that I have read, have been recommended and hope to read regarding the concept of Food, a few cookbooks are also included.

In the Green Kitchen (available 4.6.10) Go Alice Waters.
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
The Omnivore's Dilemma (and other titles by Michael Pollan )
Grow Great Grub: Organic Food from Small Spaces
Real Food
Fast Food Nation
Simply Organic
Earth to Table
Petit Appetit

Others films on my list to watch include:

What's Organic about Organic
Dirt! the Movie

I would love to hear about any books, and films you readers would recommend and any other thoughts about being Food Conscience.

(Ripe Now image above from Martha Stewart Living 2004 clipping photographed by Christopher Baker)