Music Monday : Bon Iver

Excited to hear about Bon Iver's upcoming album -- due out June 21st. You can download this track called Calgary for free here (at least for now) -- it is lovely. Enjoy! Happy Music Monday.

(via stereogum)


Mary said...

I'm seeing this one all over the blogosphere today. I guess I'm not the only one looking forward to this album! (I pre-ordered mine last night.)

Ana Degenaar said...

Oh, I really enjoy MM!

Bria said...

Ooh exciting - didn't know he was coming out with another CD that soon!! Will have to grab the track for sure. Thanks for the heads up!

cara. said...

we are on the same wavelength.

design elements said...

can't wait

tao.owl said...

I am so excited as well! I am hoping to go to the show in Atlanta; however, it looks like tickets are selling out fast! I will post pictures if I make it there!

Heidi said...

I think it's going to be wonderful!

La chica said...

it's heaven!!

CARLEY FAY said...

So very excited!

Lady Grey said...

I'm so excited for this album as well!

Anonymous said...

i got a little teary-eyed the first time i heard this.

Annika said...

Love! Although listening to them always gets me all melancholy. Beautiful watercolours, too!

elissa @ faucethead said...

thanks for the heads up! i've had the old bon iver stuff on repeat for months

ROXY MARJ said...

LOVE his new album! love :)

nichole said...

This is fantastic!

Victoria said...

I've been loving Bon Iver lately. So excited!

gilead in bloom said...

I had never heard of him until this post and was pleasantly surprised! I love your Music Monday posts - it's been slowly exposing me to more kinds of music than just country! :)

Star Hughes Living

Anonymous said...

Love this post, I really love the fact that you include posts about new music in your blog! ..and such good music at that! Excited for the new album


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