Gwyneth Paltrow's style
Have you seen Gwyneth Paltrow + company's Hampton summer home in House and Garden magazine with photographs taken by Eric Cahan? The photography and home is gorgeous, inside and out. I've always loved her stylish, yet feminine and classy ways. Like they mentioned in the H&G overview, she seems to be the Grace Kelly of our time. Here are a few of my favorites from the shoot, for more check out House and Garden. (first seen at style files)

i love it! so clean and pretty!
How gorgeous is her style? Bee-utiful!
I just think that house is wonderful--I want to move in immediately!
Beautiful house! And what a great kitchen...think of all the fun things you could make in there!
I love her grey cabinets. We are planning a paint remodel of our kitchen and we are doing our cabinets grey, a little lighter than hers though. More gunmetal, less charcoal...But it's great to get some kind of visual before we take the plunge.
I hope Gwyneth cooks because that kitchen should be put to full & appreciative use. So lovely. thanks beautful!!
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