I am going through the gazillion photos we took on our trip. Here is a sampling of shots from a page out of the snapfish book I ordered, --- will share more soon.


Anonymous said...

i agree with u saying ah Paris..as a parisian i would say the austin mini is not a parisian car but a british one..but i'm sure you wanted to show tiny car in opposition to monster car in the us!and the mini is definitely my favourite!

Anonymous said...

I love Paris in the springtime...look at all those wonderful flowers!!!

Anonymous said...

These photos make me smile. I don't know of any city on the planet that causes the visceral response that Paris does.

christine said...

love paris---can't get enough of it.

speaking of which---I have a bottle of that olive oil you've taken a pic of as we speak in my kitchen. Its the best olive oil you'll ever have in your life.

Molly W. said...

Great photos! I took a ton in Paris too, a week later and I'm still posting! Love your idea of a book!

Unknown said...

Just divine! I love the images of Paris! It makes me think of so many beautiful memories in that most beautiful city! Thak you!

Joanna Goddard said...

so pretty. i love all your close-up shots. xo

Anonymous said...

Oo am heading to Paris for my 30th soon, so these photos have got me even more excited now! :o)

shill said...

all divine images you have here!!!

v said...

Never been to Paris but would like to. Some day, hopefully ... soon.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. That is the most magical city in the world. Can't wait to see more of your lovely photos.

Anonymous said...

Love this collage of your pics from Paris!!! Might I use it someday on my blog? Of course I will reference Black*Eiffel.
Bon Weekend!

rachel @ blackeiffel said...

Kelli : Sure, unfortunately since this is a screen shot, it isn't the best quality :( I will be posting more soon.

Ana said...

I love these shots...it must have been such a fun project to put together! You have a great eye!

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures of Paris :-)

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