Giovanna Battaglia

Giovanna Battaglia
Giovanna Battaglia
Giovanna Battaglia

Giovanna Battaglia = fashion editor of L'Uomo Vogue, model, stylist. Yes... I guess women this stylish really do exist, isn't she one of the most stylish ladies around? See more images of Giovanna's style here and here. Who's style are you inspired by?

Images by the talented: Garance Dore
via Simple Lovely (another stylish lady)


Unknown said...

she is so stylish! i love the dress on the bottom right...

Kylie said...

Wow! I think I'd have to say I'm inspired by Giovanna now! Thanks for this - beautiful post :) K

Bella Beach Babe said...

um yeah she is amazing!! a little bit of a girl crush going on here. i seriously wish she could dress me everyday:)

Joanna Goddard said...

LOVE the black dress on the bottom right -- beautiful!

orange sugar home said...

wow. what a lady! what a style role model.

dee said...

God, she is gorgeous...and so thin! I love her cream-colored dress.

Rachel said...

What a great wardrobe! Love your blog!

Unknown said...

Gosh I adore Giovanna's style.

Unknown said...

She truly is so stylish, I not only adore what she wears but how she carries herself.

FEDERICA said...

I love her! She's gorgeous!

Ashley said...

Oddly, enough I just did a similar post regarding fashion inspiration. Sarah Jessica Parker inspires me. She's fearless, her pieces are always interesting and she accentuates all of her assets.

Other than SJP, I'm inspired by street fashion. I'm more interested in a European, Brit-Pop look. I love thin guys in top hats, skin tight pants and suspenders. Next give me curvy gals with gowns, outlandish jewelry, hats and dainty gloves. The equation equals happiness.

I am so tired of the American Fashion Uniform: Jeans, flip-flops {year round} and striped shirts. Yuck. Let's bring a little poise and distinction back. Let's take a page from Giovanna!

Brenda BE said...

The white dress could use a slip or lining to make it more flattering and appropiate.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely adore that ivory dress. Well, all of it really. I don't think there are many celebrities after whom I model my style. I tend to use people in my life ("real life people" if you will) as my inspiration. For example, my sister in-law has very classy, simple, and yet youthful and fun style, and my friend Caitlin has outrageous, chic, and flirty style. Their flare rubs off on me the more i'm around them!

Rebecca said...

I just recently found your blog! you have some fun stuff here. I love this post and the style that she exudes! thanks for sharing.

mindy said...

that cream dress is to die gorgeous!

cpt said...

I love her as well! And Miroslava Mikheeva-Duma, so adorable.

Tania said...

i am so envious of the ivory dress paired with those gorgeous black heels. and the necklaces! i want something like that in my wardrobe arsenal.

Alison Pearldiver said...

I always love it when you post new photos of Giovanna Battaglia, she has become one of style icons!

jamieofalltrades said...

love her bag in the bottom left photo. i'm totally inspired by nicole richie and rachel zoe. love that hippie/bohemian chic. jane from sea of shoes blog is inspiring too.

iva yaneva said...

that white dress is stunning!! I love it:)

La Belle Lumière said...

Wow, impeccable style and she's gorgeous!

Melissa said...

She is lovely. I'm inspired by the other Vogue beauty -- Carine.

caitlin of wanderlustings said...

simply gorgeous!
thanks for sharing-

Marion said...

She has the BEST STYLE ever for me.

Caroline said...

Can you imagine being that lovely and put-together every single day of your life? Envy.

Joslyn said...

isn't she totally divine!!!!!

stephmodo said...

I saw this on Simple Lovely and was drooling too. She really does exude extreme style. This is probably the most inspiring fashion post I've seen in sometime...

Amelia Morris said...

wowwww, that white dress? i die.

Melkorka said...

oh i wish I could dress that cool!

Ruth said...

Im a total fan- SUCH STYLE

Ruth @ Matches

Unknown said...

the long necklace is really cute!

Anonymous said...

I really like her style, it's effortless. I would love to know who makes her pretty white dress

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