Sian Keegan

Sian Keegan

My daughter is mildly obsessed with horses and zebras lately. These gorgeous handmade patchwork horses by Sian Keegan are being put on our wish list.


Cali of PassionBird said...

Those are so cute! And they look like they need love too. I know most girls go through the horse stage. My sister was actually bought a horse in this stage of her life. I was happy with a dog. Hopefully these are the only kind of animals you will have to buy, the stuffed kind.

jo said...

Um, absolutely stunning!! Loving these patchwork pals...! I want them for myself!

jordan said...

i've seen these. she's awesome! she also will make a stuffed animal based your own dog or cat. i wanted to get one of my kitties but then i thought would they even appreciate it? probably not. i have very ungrateful cats.

SimplyGrove said...

How adorable!!

{kiss my spatula} said...

just the sight of them, makes me smile. i know the perfect little tot this will be going to. thank u!

jennifer mao said...

fantastic! remind me of:

Anonymous said...

These are adorable! I guess all girls go through the horse phase. Mine didn't start until recently, and came in the form of obsessing over large photos and paintings of them, or small, white ceramic figurines of them. Sort of like the "Big Girls' Horse Phase" I guess!

jennifer said...

just love everything sian makes!

Cookie Cutter said...

Oh, I'm becoming just as obsessed with these!

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