White Stone Croft

White Stone Croft
White Stone Croft
White Stone Croft

This white stone croft (I had to Wikipedia that, basically just a fenced plot of land) in Scotland is 50 yards from the sea and is available for rent as a holiday cottage. Wouldn’t you love to spend your vacation curled up on the weathered couch while listening to the sea? It’s like the perfect setup for a romantic comedy complete with the only young, cute townsfolk that would so happen to be the sheepherder.

Guest Post by Melanie Blodgett from You Are My Fave.


Piper Larson said...

What a beautiful and serene place to relax. Gorgeous!
XO Piper

Jen Holtkamp said...

how lovely! i absolutely loved living in scotland and wish i could go back!

Anonymous said...

noooooooo. this place. i can't even handle it! is it heaven on earth??

Chiara said...

That is beautiful and so peaceful, I especially love that white bed with the white walls....


Unknown said...

YES i would!

Ps - spreading the LOVE about my GIVE-AWAY - $45 worth of goodness!

*kiss kiss*
~Tiptoe Butterfly~

zephyrsarah said...

i nearly fell out of my chair when i read the part about how you can ACTUALLY stay here!!! what a perfect week that would be.

A Flourishing Perspective said...

Oh just adore! How idyllic. Scotland seems beautiful. I would love to spend a long vacation here in that beautiful little white house in the top photo. :)


Katie*Belle said...

Oh my goodness, this place is amazing! I could definitely spend some time there. Thanks for sharing this!

Aimee said...

I want to go to there!

Christy Gillespie said...

What a perfect romantic getaway if only I could get the link to work so I could find out a little more about how to book it. :)

milesisland said...

Beautiful place... I'm already thinking about what books I'd read there!

Melbourne Lawyers said...

i wish i could live there for a lit bit well geez i is so so so pretty and sweet

Estate Lawyers Sydney said...

i love the bedroom most. It is so pretty on top

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