Often inspired by dance, this fantastic JUST DO IT Russian ad from a few years back merges two of my favorite forms. Does it make you want to jump up out of your seat and bust a move or at least take a ballet class?
Want to see more dance? Check out this post.
photos : 1 Equador , 2 Weiferd Watts
this is awesome! i love everything ballet (and did it for 13 years!) nike kills it every time, it seems.
YES! This is wonderful! I love ballet, its do graceful and beautiful and that girl standing on the rock is stunning. Great finds...
Beautiful, dancers and ballet dancers always take my heart :)
Heck yes I do! I miss dance almost every day.
Man I would kill for those ballerina's legs.
"Don't let stereotypes hold you back."
So great, it makes me wish I could dance anything other than the robot (although I do that really well)
Wow, the second pictures is almost surreal - so beautiful and graceful...
Oh that is beautiful! I miss my dancing days . . .
Wow, those photos are stunning!
Great post! Love the photos!
Beautiful! Makes me want to stop eating and start stretching ;-)
:) thanks for reminding me to dance. i love the combination and outcome of all types of dance.
Loved this! Yes, I do want to bust a move! Or at least watch So You Think You Can Dance :)
This is awesome! Nike ads are always spot-on.
I totally did start taking a ballet class recently. It's embarrassing BUT i totally love it.
But ballet is also just another form of dance, right?
Nice one :) Nike Ads are always amazing.
It is the best dance to do in Ballet.
Love it. We don't have TV way out here on the farm, and once in a while I do miss it - usually for the commercials. ;)
I didn't realize dance was like that too! Same thing when kids start going to competitions in gymnastics special leo, competition fees, parents pay to even get in the doors to watch
Nike is the best!!! I like this commercial so much, I just miss my dancing career before.
this ad reminds me of this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esrNyIg_SMI
i think it's the lighting from the windows and the combination with .... dance.
I loved this post you always find the best stuff!
I loved this post you always find the coolest
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