Quasi Cinema

Using sewed personal photographs on fabric and wood Lucas Simões out of São Paulo created an awesome quasi-cinema installation. The composition of his photos recreates a sense of motion and simple but powerful cinematic-like art. How cool is this? Read more about it here.
(via Colossal)
(via Colossal)
this is amazing! thank you for the post!
Wow, how interesting! xo
wow! v interesting. xoxo jillian:: don't miss my fishs eddy dish giveaway!
Okay that is SUPER DUPER cool. I checked out the rest of his site too and he is an amazing artist!!!! So creative.
Belly B :)
nice art shots! really creative... =)
The last one is so neat. Great idea.
Wow, really cool. Actually that would be a cool DIY project. Mh.
That would make a really great project for family/ travel photos! Very cool.
I get so excited wen I see Brazilian artists being recognized! Lucas Simões deserves, awesome work!
(Im so proud!)
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