Floating Movie Theater

Taking a little boat up to a platform in the middle of the ocean to watch a movie would be outrageously cool. Although I'm still thinking about whether if you are sea sick prone it would be a problem, but wow... what an experience it would be! This particular movie going experience took place in Yao Noi, Thailand and was put on by Film on the Rocks Yao Noi and designed by architect Ole Scheeren who built the large raft out of recycled materials. Yes please, sign me up for the next one. Amazing.

(via Fast Co. // photos by Piyatat Hemmatat)


Molly said...

Oh my goodness. This looks absolutely amazing. Sign me up while you're at it. ;)

jacquelyn | lark&linen said...

I can't think of anything better!

Nora said...

ocean seating + movie on the bigscreen = one amazing date night!

love this!


Bring Pretty Back said...

I want to live like this!!!
Have a PRETTY day!

K said...

Well this is just plain COOL.

Unknown said...

This is NOT TO BE BELIEVED. xo Lola

Anonymous said...

Please take me there now! This is beautiful

Stay in the Lines

Anonymous said...

that is definitely epic. i would go out of my way to do that

cupit & vellum

Lucky said...

that's so cool!

Heather Wiese Alexander said...

THAT is fabulous! Bucket list just got one more line. wow!!

melissa collison said...

I love it! I thought the one overlooking Sydney Harbour Bridge - but it pales compared to this. Especially great to swim out and swim back.

Unknown said...

wow. Now that is something that I have never imagined possible.

Jenny said...

Love this.....Cool thing!!

Tess Kelly said...

WOW!!! Sign me up as well!

classiq said...

This is what I call an exciting experience. :)

Anonymous said...

SIMPLY AMAZING:) I really love your blog and I will happily follow.
If you want some spring mood ala PARIS..you can check out my blog:)
Have a great week.

LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se

elissa said...

this is amazing. i can't think of a cooler way to see a movie!

JASR said...

imagine this at night with all the stars in the sky.... totally a unique movie experience!

Star said...

Oh my gosh, this is sooo cool! I've never seen anything like that. Definitely sign me up! :)

XO Star @ Peace Love Wander

dani press said...

this. is. AMAZING! who thinks of this stuff? and better yet, executes it and makes it happen. so awesome. thanks for sharing! xo.

Anonymous said...

wowwwwww, I'm amazed. must go!

Melissa Collison said...

Out of this world, double dose of cool.

Leigh said...

Love this! Great find

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