Paris In Color
If you are not already dreaming of moving to a magical place such as Paris, Nichole Robertson's book, Paris in Color
will entice you even further. Her beautiful photographs that she has been taking, sharing, and even selling on her blog of the city of lights for the past few years come even more alive when you see them compiled together in this lovely book. Her extremely well-written introduction gave me the chills in a good way and had me instantly want to drop everything and hop on a plane with our family and move to one of my favorite destinations. Although that isn't possible for us now, I am inspired by her words to cultivate even more flâneur wherever I am. If you love Paris, photography, and things organized in color like me you will love this book. Bravo Nichole, your book is a sheer delight!
I think I just found the perfect Mother's Day gift for my mom.
Thank you, Rachel! A lovely surprise and nice ending to my week to see Paris In Color here.
Have a great weekend!
Gah! this will soon be mine! Love your blog!
Annaliese {Lambs & Kings}
Would love to get a copy of this! =)
I will be in Paris in 2 weeks, and this got me more excited than I can say! It's my first time in the city; I seem to have done Europe by going to the more obscure places first. I'll have to get a copy and pour over it before I go...thanks for sharing!
-Charlotte Wilder (
P.S. Love your site. Just so you know :)
Thank you so much for introducing me to this amazing book and her fantastic blog, both are simply beautiful and so inspiring... I know my next coffee table book purchase! Your blog is fantastic as well ; )
Just ordered this for my shop and when they arrived I was enchanted!!!!Thanks for the heads up!!!
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