7 things
Week number 21 : Seven things to share...
1. This Noah & the Whale album
2. Yesterday we went to the park, twirled and ran free in the fresh cut grass. I highly recommend that, it really does something to you.
3. I'm going to make these Garbanzo Bean Burgers this weekend, wish me luck.
4. The flowers are blooming like mad in our yard, love the sweet smells.
5. This weekend I am humbled to think about the ones who have sacrificed so much.
6. Going through my sketchbooks I came across this clip, it's a good one to see again.
6. Going through my sketchbooks I came across this clip, it's a good one to see again.
7. Each man is a hero and an oracle to somebody. -Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Have a great extended Memorial Day weekend. Hope you get to do some cartwheels.
So much foam! Lovely photos. Good luck with the burgers, they look delicious. Have a happy weekend :)
Thanks for the tips! Queuing up Noah & the Whale now. :) Have a great weekend!
Sounds like a perfect week! Hope the burgers turn out well...xo
yes!lovely post!!!and so cute blog!
-fashion illustrator-
Hope the burgers are turning out well! Happy Weekend, and happy Memorial Day!
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