I am Neurotic by Lianna Kong
This weekend I received and read the book, I Am Neurotic:(and so are you)by Lianna Kong and it was literally hard for me to set down before completing. My husband got a kick out of how much it was making me laugh as well as himself crack up.
Lianna started collecting people's quirks, and compulsions in the form of the blog called, "I am Neurotic" after realizing her personal 'bathroom stage fright' behavior along with her friend not wanting to touch cotton balls, and another friend's bizarre movie going habits. The website turned book, "I Am Neurotic: (and so are you)" published by Harper Collins is a perfect blend of anonymously confessed habits and tendencies coupled with staged photographs that make it delightfully hilarious to peruse. The intent of her website and book is to show people that they are not alone in their personal neuroses. This book is a true winner, the funniest one I have read in ages. It comes out October 13th and you can pre-order it here
After I finished the book, I had to ask people around me what their neurotic tendencies were. The most humorous one was from my brother who said, since he was little when he puts food in the microwave he pretends it is a time bomb and gets it out right before the timer goes off.
So, I want to ask you readers -- what are your quirks? What do you do that is neurotic? As for me, I can't sleep with socks on, and I have to leave the room when I hear the sound of someone scratching their dry skin.
Genius. Thanks for the link!
I'm going to have to look into this! Thanks!! xoxo
I hate it when people pinch my nose. :)
That's awesome! I will definitely buy that book - thanks for sharing :)
I can't stand it when women who are wearing nylons/pantyhose scratch their legs - the sound of it is like 'nails on a chalkboard' for me (which actually doesn't bother me at all). I also have 'bathroom stage fright' :)
When I eat popsicles, I can't let my teeth bite down on the wooden popsicle stick. Teeth on wood or paper makes me cringe.
I hate my face being touched, and won't let it get wet when I take a shower.
This book was meant for me! I absolutely must have it!
Its hard to pick just one of my many neuroses...I have to arrange colored candy in a certain order, and then I have to eat them in that order (orange first, then yellow/green, then purple/red).
Also, I can never ever take the first item off of a shelf at a store...I have to take the 2nd or 3rd one back. I don't know why the first one isn't ok to take...I just can't bring myself to do it!
What a fabulous book!! Thanks so much for posting on it - I must find it NOW. I have too many to tell you, no really, it's better you don't know.. ;) K
i can't deal with slippery floors under my bare feet- it gives me the heeby-jeebies!
I can't stand it when light switches are flipped in different directions on the same panel, they have to be all up or all down!!
I am an extreme texture person. This applies to food, I can't eat homemade mashed potatoes, even though I love their taste (it makes me want to throw up) I eat smoothies with a spoon (it's not a liquid, why would you drink it through a straw?) and if someone were to offer me tapioca, I would probably laugh, (it has to be a joke). And I’m right with MelancholySmile who can’t handle teeth on wood, no popsicle sticks or tooth picks for me.!
It also applies to fabric, I can't touch jean or corduroy. Even when I'm wearing it.
Man I'm weird, glad my husband loves me!
I have to have the closets closed before I go to sleep. I also HAVE to have clean sheets on Saturday nights and placemats under my plate at dinner.
I really need to read this, it looks great!
I have a belly button related neurosis! I can't bear anyone touching my belly button - I really freak out if anyone even tries to touch it. I'm getting palpitations just thinking about it, hee hee!
I won't eat broken Cheerios, and many mornings without breakfast passed because my Mom told me I didn't have time to sort them out.
I also can't stand people touching my belly button.
I hate feet, and the only person who can touch mine is my husband.
When making a pb&j, the pb has to go on the left slice, jam on the right. Also, it must be jam. I don't even understand why jelly exists. Why not just make a Jello sandwich?
I only clip my nails when I have to, because I think it hurts. I realistically know that it doesn't, but I still feel like it does.
Brilliant! I can't stand when I open milk and that white crud is on the top...it has made me stop eating cereal for fear that junk will get in the bowl somehow...
I eat food straight across and I'll even take extra nibbles to keep it as such. When I'm full, I'll start corralling any left over food on the plate into perfect little squares or circles.
I could go on about all my funny eating habits. I don't know where they come from. They're all things I do without really thinking about them, but they are comforting to me for some reason.
i have it when people put their hands in their mouths. especially when they chew on their nails. it drives me bonkers. if is see someone doing it then i have to move out of the way so that i don't see them. even writing about it i get creeped out.
That book sounds hilarious! I have to read it!
Everytime I am writing or doing homework, I have perfectly, or in a straight line and all the letters have to be the same size. If they are not I have to erase them or it will drive me crazy. Either that, or I will throw it away and start over.
apparently we all have our mysterious ways :)
i recently started to eat the crust of the bread, but not always, only when the contents are salty, if they're sweet i'll cut it off
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