Sponsor Giveaway : Red Letter Words

Woot. It's time for a giveaway! Red Letter Words, A Black Eiffel sponsor is all about creating art with uplifting and feel good quotes. My favorite pieces they sell are the Keep Calm and Carry On Art Prints and this one.

Red Letter Words

Lucky for you readers, Red Letter Words is giving away a lovely 11 x 14 gallery wrapped "Keep Calm and Carry On" Art Print valued at $115. To enter the giveaway leave a comment on this post by midnight on Saturday, October 17th and a winner will be randomly selected.

Thanks Red Letter Words!

UPDATE : The randomly selected winner is: The Baker's Goods. Congrats.


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Ains said...

I'm decorating my newly-rented place right now, and this would be lovely! :)

Nicola said...

What a great giveaway - this would look lovely on my blank walls!

Unknown said...

In the midst of midterms, this would be a good reminder to wake up to!

Unknown said...

My stark white room definitely could use some words. :)

cara. said...

yes please!

Mrs. Hot Cocoa said...

Nothing makes me happier than words on my walls.

a said...

loveliness. i would love that reminder on my wall. thanks!
-aimee c.

Cherry said...

Oh I've always wanted a Keep Calm poster - A pink and black one would be super special!

caroline duke said...

love it! thank you for such a wonderful offer!

Anonymous said...

By far one of my favorite inspirational phrases!

FEDERICA said...

Oh wow I love this giveaway!! I hope to win!!
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Ahaha, I need that print, to remind me to keep calm!!

Unknown said...

I defintely need this reminder! And I love the vintage quality of it!

Caroline said...

wah, this white one would be perfect in my new room !
(it takes me a long time last year to understand what exactly means that sentence, we do not teach that part of history in france !)

zoeinda said...

I certainly could use this motto as a reminder on a daily basis! Fingers crossed.

kellie said...

I love this phrase ~ and would love to have one hanging on my wall

Mary said...

I love this! (hope I win!!)

Grace Kim said...

Ooh! I've been eyeing that poster for awhile and would LOVE to have it hanging on my wall to be a daily reminder in the midst of my busy life! I think this is my first time leaving a comment on your lovely blog. And BTW, I love your new logo. :)

Nicole and Layne said...

What could be better!?! Never seen one so lovely.

Erin said...

Pick me! I would love to display that in my home.

House of Jules said...

Yes, please! I love this...

Meredith said...

I'm going to try to keep calm and carry on until I know who is the winner!

Saioa said...


Carolina said...

AGH, it's mine already!

Anonymous said...

This is such a great poster! I love the British-ness of it. Would be perfect for my home.

laura tj said...

yes pleassseeee!!!!

KB said...

Love it!!!

bluspark7 said...

sometimes to you have to see the words to believe the words

Sara said...

Love it! Yes! Yes! Yes!

JD said...

Good reminder as I plan for my wedding.

Kylie said...

I love this poster! Yes please - I'd love to enter your giveaway :) K

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! I would love to win this poster!

Mickelmonkey Mama said...

I'm inspired by the giveaway AND the beautiful print. Fabulous!

julie said...

Great giveaway! Count me in!

Jessica said...

Hooray! Count me in!

spiral style said...

Love the message. A good reminder to hang on the wall. Yes, I'd love it

Jill said...

Great giveaway - I love it!

Jessica said...

How nice!

S said...

i need to keep calm !
i would love to be reminded by this print ! :)

cay said...

Keeping calm. Carrying on.

Lex said...

Oh! I love all of her work. I really hope to win.

BritCosplay said...

I can see this coming in handy when raising kids!

MichaelDParker said...

I would love this on my wall!

Rebecca P.

Leslie said...

What a beautiful saying - plus, it would be perfect for me. I always find myself worrying about things. I'll have to go check out their website and see what else they have.

Heather said...

I love this print!

Quiet World Creative said...

man oh man! happy birthday to ME with this pretty! :]

Ashley said...

I have a small printout of this at my desk at work, but would love to have a nicer version at home!

Jennifer Chong said...

ill add it to my wall!

orange sparrow said...

I love that... I would hang it by my entryway to remind me to stay calm all day!

Samy said...

oooh would love to win it :) fingers crossed!

Leslie said...

I love having words all over my house! (Especially optimistic, inspirational ones!) Love this print so much!

Lin said...

ooooh! I've had my eye on that print for a while.

Anonymous said...

so, cool. love this poster!!!!!!!!!! Such a good life mantra:)

Lin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jess said...

I've seen rugs and bigger prints of this, I would love a little 11x14 :)

melly said...

Oh this colour is really nice, I've been lusting over this for too long now.

Dana Córdova said...

I have always loved this poster! And, as my dad is Brit it has even greater meaning for me!

tracey said...

I would love to hang this in my little house!

Kelly said...

i need to hang this in my bathroom so i can stare it while getting ready every morning! thanks for the giveaway :)


Pink Wallpaper said...

have wanted one for so long!!

LRH said...

Love this!! Ooh, I hope I win!!

floccinauci said...

I've wanted one of these so long!

fra said...

Perfect on my kitchen wall, and for this time...finger crossed!

K said...

I'm following you all the way from Denmark and think this would be fantastisk in my arpartment in Copenhagen!

Unknown said...

When at work, I try to not only keep calm, but always, in the constant face of stress and disaster, carry on.

Lily said...

I've always wanted one of these prints!

Kristin said...

oh goodness, I've eyed these prints for quite some time now, so you know I'd love to win one! I love how authentic these look, and a little weathered at the same time. Great giveaway, good luck to all!

Amy said...

Ooh, I like the black and white version! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love this sentiment -- it would be such a nice addition to our pad!

Nini said...

Keeping calm is hard to do with such great excitement brought on by this giveaway!!!! wooot woooooot!

Hayley Baum said...

...hub is active duty army, needless to say my whole life is anxiety-packed and worrisome!

Lindsey said...

This would be a great reminder to see everyday!

AVB said...

Love love love!

wide open spaces said...

this is the best version I've seen yet. me, please!

rachel hill whisenant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I need, I want, I love!

Unknown said...

OMG. I've wanted this print for ever. hooray!

Cait&Jules said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Abigail said...

i love red letter words' prints! me please!

Anonymous said...

ooo! I'd love one of these.. I'd put it above my desk in my bedroom and it would remind me every morning of how to live my life!

Cait&Jules said...

I have been looking for something to fill my empty wall and I am such a big fan of Red Letter Words!

Julie P said...

What a great giveaway. This would spruce up my tiny Manhattan apt walls. Thanks!!


dusty@TheRedPolkaDot said...

I love this saying too and have been meaning to put it somewhere in my home. THanks for the great giveaway and the great blog I've been a follower for a while. Have a great day

Lisa Rupp said...

That would look so great on my wall!

Sara Wood said...

Yes, puh-lease! :)
I need some of this in my life...

Marion said...

Ohhhhh so cute !

A. Verzello said...

Hook it up.

TiffMAssie said...

i can picture it on my wall already. hardest part would be choosing from all the lovely colors

~tiff m

Stani said...

I'd like to keep calm & carry on! Thanks for sharing!

turtle and dragon said...

Love this!

Jacqueline said...

Holy Moly this giveaway is amazing!!!! pick me please!!!!

Rachel said...

I've seen this print several times and the more I see it, the more convinced I am that I need it.

The Baker's Goods said...

I know whom this would make a perfect gift for.

megan said...

i've always loved the keep calm, carry on posters. it would look so lovely on one of my blank walls.

{ a m b e r } said...

I've been wanting one of these for a while now. It would love lovely in our married student housing!

Lovely Lindsay said...

just the reminder i need to adorn my walls. thanks for this!
love, lindsay

Parisian at Heart said...

I have the perfect empty wall for that! And I've always wanted a keep calm poster!

faryle said...

I am getting ready to move into a new apartment and am needing a great piece to put on my wall. Sign me up!

Anonymous said...


My new apt. definitely needs this print!

Catie Jane said...

I love these prints, and I would love one in my house :)

Becs said...

Love it!

Meg said...

I've been eyeing these for a while...I have a feeling it would be useful as I make my way through the mess of grad school :)

la cuisine bourgeois said...

This would be great to hang around my doorway, so it is the first thing I see when I arrive home after a hectic day, and the last thing to see as I leave to start a new day.

its perfect :)

ellen said...

I'd love to win it!

Amanda Leigh said...

Fingers crossed...

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh my! such a great giveaway! I looove these prints! xo

MollieB said...

what a great giveaway! this would be lovely in my new apartment i'm moving into next week!

kelsie rae. said...

what a beautiful simplistic piece of art.
something like this would add to my new apartment, and not to mention a beautiful wedding present ;)

Lindsey Michelle said...

I so need this. I'd put it in my office as a daily reminder. Thanks for the chance!

Isabelle said...

What an amazing print! I will be moving in a new apartment soon and this would definitely be the first thing I would put on the wall!!

Anonymous said...

this print makes me smile:)

thuy-my said...

Keep Calm poster has been on my wishlist forever. This is an awesome giveaway!!!

Unknown said...

I LOVE THIS! Although it was needed more in the 1940's I could use it now. I will save the wall space just in case...

megan said...

I love it!

Brandy said...

I would love the print!!

Ashleigh said...

Yes please!!

Jennifer said...

I need this now more than ever. pick me!

Julie said...

Love this print.

GM said...

heck yeah I'd love this!

Jon said...

Lovely print! Would love this in my house : )

Stephanie said...

Oooo! This print has been on my wishlist for awhile now.

Brittany and Johnse said...

OHH please count me in!!

L.R.L said...

mmmm my house deeply needs this :)

marcfolio said...

I want.

Handi Andi said...

In light of the twin factor, I feel like I could use a daily reminder of this. :-)

Emily said...

I love! It would look so lovely hanging over my desk...

Alicia @ One Rae Sister said...

Awesome giveaway! I have the utmost perfect spot for something like this! :o)

valerie said...

neat! count me in! (if canadians are allowed...)

Kate said...

I've eyed this poster/print for months and would especially like it for free!

Shelly said...

I would absolutely adore having this print in my London inspired guest bath - it would pair perfectly with my 'Off to the Loo' artwork!

caisse said...

i first saw this at the Imperial War museum Churchill exhibit... I love it. it really well depicts British spirit : )

Alison said...

So lovely... and wise. :)

Carrie said...

I need one of these for my office in the worst way!

caitlin.d said...

i've always loved this print. it's special in so many ways - thanks for hosting.

Unknown said...

My daily mantra! Yessss! I'd love to finally have one of these to match my journal!... Keeping my fingers crossed!

brooke said...

OOooo...I love it! Nice reminder on the way out the door.

Kara said...

Having a tough time decorating the home we just bought (my first!), and with baby on the way (also my first!), this would be a FABULOUS daily reminder to breeeeathe....

ruthpclark said...

I've always loved this. So smart! I'm hoping for it!

kristine said...

I want to keep calm and carry on! Thanks for the fun and inspirations!

Unknown said...

I love the textured black and cream. It's fantastic!

AmyB said...

I love the "patina" on the text! What a great poster. - Amy Bauer amy@usdemolition.com

Holly said...

sign me up! i'd love that :)

Chelsea Conard said...

So cute!
And such a perfect statement.

Gretchen said...

iconic lovely print I'd be honored to display

darcy dubose said...

oh goodness yes!

archmom said...

love this poster!

Alie said...

Oh, i LOVE this! please pick me!!

juicefairy said...

I would love to have this reminder hanging on my wall. Please enter me.

Jessica said...

I have been wanting this print forever! Awesome give away!

kalanicut said...

My boss gave me a small photo copy of this poster years ago and I have had it in a small frame on a table in my living room to remind to to hold it together calmly since then. I would LOVE a poster sized version!

Karin said...

I need some art on my walls...and this would be great! :)

KIm said...

I have always wanted one of those posters! Pick me!!

Lauren said...

I teach four- and five-year-olds. This print is my desktop background. I look at it about once every five minutes.


Sarah said...

I've always wanted one of these posters! Thanks for the chance to win one!

Malinda said...

Oh my goodness! I've always wanted to get one of these!!

Susan Terese said...

this is one of my absolute favorite sayings!! i often repeat it to myself when things seem to not be going as planned :)

Kate R. said...

I carry the Keep Calm tote bag all the time..I really love the story behind the print!! And would love to put this up in my home!

Elsa May said...

Oh! I so love these and would absolutely love one :)

Sarah said...

Love that poster!

Barbara Matson said...

I think this would love fabulous in my house!

Unknown said...

So Pretty!

Whits said...

I love these prints! My walls would love one too.

j. said...

Oh, how I would LOVE this print! Thanks for such a nice giveaway!

Lori said...

inspiration! I love it.

robbie said...

Simple - love it.

Reldinha said...

"Keep Calm and Carry On" would be the perfect thing to look up at while cramming for tests.

Unknown said...

i have a space for this on my living room wall!!

amy said...

I'd love to carry this on home!

Unknown said...

Awesome print! Would love to win in!

AnnieStyle said...

This would be perfect in my apt - I hope I win!

Kelly said...

Love this!!

Sarah said...

coolness! please pick me. i love that print! :)

ceci said...

Count me in, please! :D

Saltina said...

Ah! I've always wanted this! Here's hoping...

Unknown said...

Would love to win this!

Vanessa said...

Fantastic. I've been wanting a print of this!

Vanessa said...

Forgot to add my e-mail.. vkhuong[at]gmail[dot]com

Tyler said...

I'll carry on even if I don't get this.

a said...

cute!! what a great giveaway!

Anelieze Castrejon said...

Brilliant. I'd love this to hang on my bare apartment walls!

made sweet said...

ooh! i've been wanting one of these for a long time! crossing my fingers...

Anonymous said...

What a great print! I think anyone with a child should have this hanging somewhere in their house. It would certaily makes me smile. ~Alicia

Caitlin said...

I could use this in my office for sure!

shannon (sejenks@yahoo.com) said...

As I search for a new job this is such great advice that I would love to look at everyday! Fingers crossed :)

calebjm said...

The perfect gift for a colleague - she's already cut out parts of the wrapping paper and stuck that to her wall. I think the proper printed version would send her over the moon (and she definitely deserves to feel that way!)

Lindsee said...

I am about to give birth to twins...I might need to look at that phrase every 2 minutes.


klein814 said...

just moved cross country to a new place. this would be great as daily inspiration as we settle into our new place!

ashley said...

I've been thinking about getting this print and this one is just gorgeous!

Unknown said...

please randomly select me!

Hol said...

This would look lovely above our fireplace, or in my design office. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oh Gosh! What a wonderful Give away!!! I just got a new office at work and would love to hang this there!

Pick me, oh please pick me!

Anna/Quilted Giraffe said...


Brooke said...

love it. love the simplicity in design and message.

Cait said...

I love this print! My housemates would too :)

Josiah D Clark said...

sounds good! Thanks Red Letter Words!

Rebecca is Thrilled by the Thought said...

LOVE this!

shanna murray said...

oh! oh! i would absolutely LOVE to win this!!! i needed to read these words today, so even if i don't win it's a win for me!

Magen said...

I have loved this print since the first time I set on eyes on it...would love for it to hang from my wall someday.

C like Cat said...

I have always wanted one of these!

Unknown said...

I've always admired these posters...crossing my fingers!

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