Money Origami by Won Park

Money Origami by Won Park
Money Origami by Won Park

My banker husband got a kick out of this money origami work by Won Park. See his gallery of work --- pretty neat stuff.

(Top photos by Andrew Hans)


Hena Tayeb said...

wow that is fantastic

Jessica said...

I love that camera! I just did some origami out of fabric today, I felt like a kid again. It was great!

Saltina said...

They are all so great! Could be a good way for me to save $$, if it's that cute :)

C. Anne said...

The crab is adorable! I used to sit at the kitchen table with mum folding origami pieces when I was little, but nothing as intricate as this though!

FEDERICA said...


Anonymous said...

Very clever, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Very cool! I bet that takes lots of tedious work!

Emily said...

So lovely and simple. Who would've thought?

Love your blog. :)

style-for-style said...

Hey your interview is up!
thank you so much for your answers!

Jen of MadeByGirl said...

These are intricate. I'm always impressed by Origami. :)))))))))

Jen Ramos

capital lighting said...

wow that is great.

Jenny said...


laura tj said...


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