Salad Toppings

My last suggestion for how to use Weight Watchers new cheeses (see previous posts here) is in a yummy salads. Do you ever come up with different salad combos? My husband thinks I'm hilarious for sometimes putting everything but the kitchen sink in them, but salads are great place to put in some power veggies and fun ingredients. Unless I am going with a particular recipe, the salads I make are usually different every time. This one has cucumbers, pinto beans, tomatoes, carrots, arugula, baby spinach, and some Weight Watchers cheese. I like how you can add flavor with their cheese without the extra fat and calories and it is nice to throw a little more calcium in there too.

What do you put in your salads?


Terri said...

Hemp seeds! Adds a bit of crunch, and healthy omega fats. I also like throwing on sprouts of various types, and I buy bags of matchstick carrots to throw on top.

cristie said...

this week it's been cilantro...all chopped up


then the kitchen sink :)

Unknown said...

That looks great. I put everything in salads, lately - Quinoa (is there anything its bad in?)

Amy K. of the Boom Club said...

Love to top my salads with broccoli slaw. It adds crunch and more green veggies.

Becka Robinson said...

i put black beans, garbanzo beans, salsa, avacado, cayenne pepper, sprouts, feta cheese, almond slivers, red onions, and green goddess dressing on mine. MMMMMM

caroline said...

I mix it up a bit, but I love it when my salads have avocados and garbanzo beans. mmm.

Jess said...

There is nothing like a good cobb salad. so much flavor and so satisfying and still so good for you.

Anonymous said...

Hello !
I am French and a huge fan of your blog !
With my girlfriends we have a tradition : when we work together, we eat salad and everyone brings one ingredient : lettuce, tomatoes, ham, hard-boiled eggs, cheeses and croutons (do you say "crouton" in English? anyway it is the best part! )
Wish you all the best !

theresaliz said...

lately i like adding hummus on top as a dressing... just make sure you mix it up well!

my favorite toppings (not always together): beets, kidney beans, avocado, artichoke hearts, and some mushrooms

Hotel In Suvarnabhumi Airport said...


Kelly said...

Edemame! I eat edemame by the handful, in soups, in salads. I've had to look up what a healthy serving size of soy per day is, or else I'd eat nothing else!

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