Polaroid Calendar

polaroid calendar

Wow.. how clever. Marc Brubaker created a polaroid calendar. Genius.

(via inspiration)


Yellowgoat said...

I like that too. I've posted this before in my blog.

Greg said...

Awesome. Too bad they're getting rid of Polaroid film. It has such an instantly classic look to it. :(

KATLIN said...

This is sooo good! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a sweet idea.

Bel said...

How fantastic! I can't understand why they've discontinued Polaroid cameras...they're just so classic, and no digital camera can replicate their unique imagery. So sad :o(

Anonymous said...

that is such a COOL idea! I am inspired.

Bru said...

The problem is not that they've discontinued the cameras - those are readily available almost everywhere. It's that the integral film is no more. However, the Impossible Project is hoping to change that - http://www.the-impossible-project.com/

Anonymous said...

I want to run and do this idea right now (if I only had some wall space.) Super fun idea! I have two Polaroid cameras -- just wish the film weren't so darn expensive.

Stacy said...

This is awesome. He should sell these things.

pigeon.toed said...

i love this idea! im a big fan of perpetual calendars.

Anonymous said...

great idea! I love the idea of going out and shooting all the numbers in a calender...

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