Summer Meal...

Dinner last night : greek salad and chicken with pesto. What types of meals are you enjoying this summer?


MissBliss said...

That looks delish; we've been using local mangoes and avocados... made a fab mango relish for fish the other night!

Cara said...

those look delicious. I have been loving simple shish kabobs this summer. As well as pesto pasta.

Cate said...

oh super yum! that chicken looks amazing.

we ate oven roasted tomato pasta with scallops for sunday dinner. easy peasy! instructions on how to make this, including help from your mini-chef, and renaming scallops "meatballs of the sea" on my blog.

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

I made a huge Greek salad last night, it was perfect!

Pretty Zesty said...

I love adding fruits to salads in the summer. Watermelon, peaches, berries, apples. So tasty!

la cuisine bourgeois said...

ooooo yum!

Made terriyaki marinated mahi mahi--pan fried, sauteed broccoli in rice vinegar, and coconut rice. mmmm summery! fish does it for me!

Joanna Goddard said...

YUM. that looks so good. we've been having lots of peppery scrambled eggs for some reason! :)

RLMEnglish said...

That looks delicious. I need to go to the grocery tomorrow and pick up salad greens and lovely things to throw in them. I could use some more raw meals for summer.

Cookie Cutter said...

Wow, such a simple meal but it looks so delicious. I'm loving light sandwiches and Japanese style salads this summer.

Anonymous said...

oh my... these look delicious. I'm going to be honest with you. We've been living out of boxes for over two months and I have yet to cook a meal this (official) summer. It's probably been since the end of May since I ACTUALLY cooked. We eat out, or we eat Lean Cuisine, and I'm SO tired of both... I just want my kitchen to be done!!

jamieofalltrades said...

salads with corn, berry cobbler and soon peach pie!

Anonymous said...

How funny-I made the exact same thing for dinner last night! I love anything light that you can throw on the grill or whip up in a matter of minutes-my favorites this summer are seared scallops and grilled banana splits :)

Caroline said...

I made this orange cucumber salad for dinner tonight with great results.

Sarah @ Two Blue Lemons said...

YUM! Nothing better than simple, summer meals. My new obsession is arugula, mango, avocado, grapefruit salad - featured on my site! Try it out.

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