Striped Icebergs

Striped Icebergs
Striped Icebergs
Striped Icebergs

I've always believed that Mother Nature is the best artist there is. My father-in-law emailed me these amazing iceberg shots taken by Norwegian sailor Oyvind Tangen, 1,700miles south of Cape Town. Aren't they exquisite?


Sarah said...

I have never seen anything like this before. Amazing!

Jana said...

These are gorgeous!

Deb Oh said...


Heather said...

Wow! These really are amazing!

Melissa A said...

These are so cool. I am always in awe of the Lords beautiful artwork. None can compare.

Anonymous said...

That is Natural?! I wonder what mixes together to create those colors - gorgeous!

Kimberly @ Bookmark To Blog said...

Wow! I never knew such a thing existed. Those are amazing!

Anonymous said...

so quiet and beautiful.

Joanna said...

Those images are truly sublime.

Jane Flanagan said...


Jessica said...

Wow gorgeous.

I was totally thinking the same thing this morning, nothing manmade will ever be as beautiful as nature.

Anonymous said...

Amazing! And to think the art just....happened. I wonder what it is that makes them look like that?

Amy said...

These are gorgeous! I am always amazed at all the natural patterns.

Amanda said...

Am amazed by that beauty.

So amazed that you'll find it feauted on my blog-thanks for the natural eye candy!

Anonymous said...

wow, these are gorgeous.

Saltina said...

So beautiful

Anonymous said...

Prippy Handbook said...

Beyond beautiful! Although, they make me feel a bit cold looking at them.

memo said...

they are so beautiful. this made my day.

Zed said...

wow, so beautiful. Amazing!

Donatella said...

This images are incredible, so beautiful!

caitlin sharkey said...

So beautiful. Things like this make my day!

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