Happy Weekend!

I hope you will all have a wonderful weekend! Go outside, have some fun and enjoy the summer!

(Beautiful photos by Cameron Charles Lewis)


Alexandra said...

Yay, happy weekend!
I used to be awesome in folding those ships (which conveniently can also be used as hats) by the way...

Brigette Olmos-Arreola said...

love this post time machine to childhood! the top photo is so relaxing. have a great weekend!


Lady Grey said...

Such beautiful photos - the complete essence of summer!

Have a wonderful weekend. xo

Ingvild said...

Happy weekend!:)

Unknown said...

Great pictures! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

elissa :: ebb & flow said...

i want to jump off a dock like that! how care free does she look?

Anonymous said...

Any weekend with some fun in the water is refreshing!

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