Eating our way through Seattle...

Looking back over my trip photos from Seattle a common delicious food thread was interlaced throughout. Many thanks to my good food-loving friend Stephanie who took me around and showed me her favorite places. Crazy to me is that growing up near Seattle, I had never been to any of these, my foodie side has obviously emerged since back in the day. We were able to see some of the best of Seattle in just a few short days -- I feel as if we delightfully ate our way through this rainy town!

Here is the top ten (not in any particular order):

1. Delancey 1415 Northwest 70th Street // The pizza here is delicious, my favorite kind, the wood-fired thin crust type. You may have heard about this place if you are a food blog reader because it is is the lovechild of Molly Wizenberg and her husband of Orangette. What particularly stood out to me (and I wish I could eat right this minute) was their Meyer Lemon Budino with candied pistachios and anise carmel sauce (pictured above). I am still dreaming about it. Their menu is seasonal so that dessert won't be there all the time, but I'm sure they will have other equally delicious options. The ambience is hip, understated, and on the small side. There may be a wait if you aren't on your toes about timing.

2. Bakery Nouveau - 4737 California Ave SW // This delectable European inspired bakery is in West Seattle. Normally a good bakery will be known for their bread or sweets, but this bakery does both extremely well. I thought the delicious croissants rivaled France, the pizza was insanely good, (yes Pizza again, the kids love it) and oh my... the carrot cake Vienna ordered and I tasted has got to be the best I have ever had. EVER. They also have a wonderful sampling of handmade chocolates that were exquisite. This is a great place to grab a treat or lunch. The numerous awards it has received are well deserved.

3. Molly Moons // There is a smattering of locations for this tasty Homemade Ice Cream shop all around Seattle. Their flavors have a twist like, 'Scout Mint' made with Girlscout cookies, salted carmel, or balsamic strawberry. I am also told that the sundaes are the cat's meow. A great ice cream stop.

4. Chiso 3520 Fremont Avenue North // I love some good sushi and this place doesn't disappoint. The miso soup rocked and the deliciously fresh rolls were top notch. The ambience was clean lined and the art on the walls was unexpected and definitely uniquely fitting to the whole artsy Fremont neighborhood vibe. I would go here again.

5. The Walrus and the Carpenter 4743 Ballard Ave NW // Right when I saw the logo (deign nerd alert) I knew I would love this place. But I will admit, I was hesitant to go to an Oyster Bar because of my previous not so great oyster experience, although this place turned my opinion around with their freshness. Wow, what an experience. This joint is tricky to get into because it is a happening place and I don't think they take reservations. Although, Ballard has great places to check out while you wait. (Stephanie and I went here for some tea.) The place marries the perfect blend of Northwest style with hip modern music, industrial decor and ambiance and insanely delicious unique parings that surprised me in a really good way.

6. Oddfellows N 1525 10th Ave. // We had lunch here. My kids were cranky so I was happy to be in a place were the noise level wasn't a problem, (thank you high ceilings). The ambience and people around us were edgy and quirky, and the food was delicious. I got a falafel salad. This place reminds me of the hip yet slightly grungy urban part of Seattle that I remembered seeing more of growing up, a place were I would imagine cool bands hanging out all the time, maybe they do? It open early and closes late.

7. Marie & Freres 2122 Westlake Ave. // The accolades of this place including 'show-stopper', 'best of Seattle', and 'possibly the best chocolate in the world' are right on point. Going inside this place was an educational culinary experience. Owner Marie-Francoise Barnhart gave me a lesson about the origin of chocolate that I will never forget, and along with that I got to taste their pure chocolate in all different percentages. It was eye-opening. The passionfruit sorbet pop was out of this world and next time I go, I will be picking up a chocolate macaroon.

8. Melrose Market - 1531 Melrose Avenue // Steph was kind enough to manage the kids in the car while I went in and walked around through Melrose Market. I almost had to pick my jaw up off the floor from the beauty of the various shops and restaurant inside. We actually didn't eat here but I'm putting Sitka & Spruce on the docket for next visit. Industrial timbered loft like rafters that echoed the same feel as The Walrus and the Carpenter. Urban. Chic. Cool. Northwest.

9. Chocolopolis - 1527 Queen Anne Ave. N // I snuck in here for a few brief minutes while I was in Queen Anne. It is a well-curated chocolate shop that is beautiful, I picked up a few pieces of chocolate that were scrumptious.

10. D'Ambrosio Gelateria - 5339 Ballard Ave NW // Seriously stellar authentic Italian gelato that compares to one of my long time favorites. Yum.

Again a big thanks to Steph for taking me around to all of these wonderful places. Have you been to any of them? Shout out your Seattle favorites, I would love to hear about them.

Photos // by Rachel Jones


Karyn Hlad Miller said...

This makes me long to get back to one of my favorite places. I lived on NE 60th St in the middle nineties and have missed Seattle everyday since I left. I love reading about all these cool spots (and their addresses!) and will take this with me when (someday) I return. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. :)
Happy weekend.!

Interior Decorating said...

Just the important information I was hunting regarding. Cheers for the mesmerizing article!

Jamie Herzlinger said...

I must have that ice cream bar!!! Delicious!!!

Unknown said...

I moved to Colorado from Seattle last year, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bakery Nouveau. It was right down the street from my house and when I was pregnant I stopped there and got a cherry almond croissant so often that it became extremely embarrassing! I miss Molly Moon's salted caramel ice cream, and I moved away before Delancey's opened! Glad you enjoyed Seattle :)
sarah @ two tarts

Meredith @ Map & Menu said...

I literally just returned home from my first trip to Seattle yesterday morning, and I so wish I would have read this post before visiting, especialy after reading about Delancey & The Walrus & the Carpenter. It's fun to see a few of my favorites on your list - Molly Moon's, Sitka & Spruce, and Oddfellows. (How gorgeous was Melrose Market?!) Another spot I fell in love with was Macrina Bakery - definitely check it out the next time you're in town!

fleur_delicious said...

yay! The Walrus and the Carpenter is on an upcoming girls-evening-out still in the works with one of my friends. Molly Moons, I agree, is completely addictive, and I love Delancey, too! Now, okay, so I don't know Bakery Nouveau, but I have to recommend a spot that we consider the best pastry and best espresso in Seattle: Fresh Flours, on 61st and Phinney. Amazing pastry. I can say with confidence that we were hard-pressed to find croissants in Paris as perfect as those offered by Itsuko. =) There's a ballard branch, too, but the original location on Phinney is more homey and welcoming, I think. (plus, they sell japanese sweets made at Tokara up the street - a must-try!). Sitka and Spruce is a *definite* must-eat! They are AMAZING. We had the most wonderful brunch there - with things like falafel, pickled vegetables and roasted potatoes with mustard and tarragon, house-made yogurt, and wonderful scones. I would also strongly recommend trying out How to Cook a Wolf (on Queen Anne) when you return to Seattle and a little spot named Pair just north of the University Village mall. =)

fleur_delicious said...

(ps: if you hit up Fresh Flours, do so on a Saturday morning - before noon. Your espresso will be made by a fellow who looks like a tall, skinny Elijah Wood. He's a neighbourhood institution; everyone in Phinney/Greenwood comes to get their coffees from him because they know he's the best darn barista in this coffee-lovin' town. no joke!!)

cheap gothic victorian dresses said...

Love the places!The food all look tasty!I'm starving now.

rachel @ blackeiffel said...

@meredith - I will definitely have to put Macrina Bakery on the list for next time. Thanks for the tip.

rachel @ blackeiffel said...

Wow @fleur_delicious - Thanks for all of your recommendations! Fresh Flours, How to Cook a Wolf, and Pair are now on my list. That is funny about the skinny Elijah Wood look-alike. I appreciate your comments.

Anonymous said...

You must try Revel! It is one of the few restaurants that I could eat at over and over again! Marination Mobile has some of the best Aloha sliders that are so delish! Il Corvo is only open in the day, but has some seriously good homemade pasta and turns into a Gelato shop at night. Book Bindry is expensive, but worth every penny! Also, the Corson Building in Georgetown is a great experience. Quinns is a fun gastropub that is also super tasty! We seriously love our food in the PNW!

Anonymous said...

I moved to Seattle from Brooklyn 4 years ago and this list reminds me just how happy I am with that decision! In addition to Sitka and Spruce, we take every single out-of-town visitor to Cafe Besalu on 24th at 59th in Ballard. Their ham and cheese croissant is my second favorite thing about Seattle (after the Olympic Mountains).

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! I just spent a weekend in Seattle, visiting from Boston (ouch, long plane ride, short weekend!). Think I fell in love though! Mountains and ocean...and food. Loved Molly Moons - best sundae I've ever had. The chocolate croissant at Cafe Besalu may have rivaled Bakery Nouveau, which is saying something! 3 days is not enough, so much good food in that city!

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