Music Monday : Keren Ann

I've been a Keren Ann fan for quite some time, so I am thrilled to hear about her new album coming out and to see a new video release for her single called, "My Name is Trouble". She is both Dutch and Israeli and also spent some time growing up in France so her interesting multicultural background I believe heavily influences her cool musical style. Her new album comes out in Europe at the end of February and the U.S. soon thereafter where she will also be touring. If you are new to her sound, you should check out her other music, it is really great! I posted about her previously here (wow-- it was over 3 years ago). Happy Music Monday. What do you think?

Check out her collection of albums or see what she has on itunes.-- (these links support B*E).


Ana Degenaar said...

Oh I loved it! Music makes me so happy.

Anna Bree said...

Wow. That video reminds me so much of Madonna's Vogue! What a pretty voice. Thanks for sharing!

Christine said...

I love her! I love her song Chelsea Burns. I saw her perform once at small club in NYC and she was so shy--adorable. I'll definitely have to check out her new album. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

thank you

Sarah @ Knit York City said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing! I love her sound and I can't wait to hear more of it. Do you listen to St. Vincent? Keren reminds me of her.

Lady Grey said...

Oh I like it!

Viv said...

love the choreography in the music video!

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